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What is the perfect gift for Valentines?

what was the best valentines gift you ever got; the one that you`ll never forget, and who gave it to you?

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11 Responses to “What is the perfect gift for Valentines?”

  1. Mariposa said :

    Unconditional love.

  2. Answerfinder1360 said :

    a teddy bear that was holding chocolates

  3. Chi C said :

    I never got anything for valentines day. Nobody loves me I guess.

  4. mooserider_602 said :

    i am always the last one out of my locker wing in high school and ..a guy i really liked but wasnt dating came up to my locker with a rose and (this may seem cheesy but it was sweet) and he said.” i hear you have a job opening for boyfriend” and i said ” yup it looks like it” and he said ” well when can i come in fo an interview” and i said ” you already got the job” and then he kissed me on the cheek and walked me yo my car

  5. GiiGii said :

    OoO i remember my then boyfriend during sophmore yr had told me in janurary dat he was leavin to puerto rico…n dat he was gonna be gone the 22of jan to the 22 of feb…i thought me n him werent goin to spend our 1 month anniversary n valentines together…well on the on sunday i was at church..n i think its da 12 of feb dat day…but anyways church was over n i went outside to converse w/ other ppl….n all of a sudden i get this tap o my shoulder it was my then b/f w/ a dozen of bright read bouquet of roses..w/ a ring….i was crying….i was so happy to see him he had surprised me so much…it was beautiful…i then spent da whole day w/ him…it was romantic….

  6. artistagent116 said :

    Believe it or not, my very favorite Valentine gift is a smooth rock with a red heart and the word “MOMMY” painted on it (which my son gave to me for Valentine’s Day when he was 6). No one helped him with it, and the gift was completely his idea. He is grown up now, and the rock sits on my desk always.

    Okay, you probably want to know what to get your sweetie. Heart shaped jewelry, heart shaped boxes of candy, plush Teddy Bear, really anything that makes you think “Love” when you see it.

  7. loverboy said :

    my girl friend cleaned my house before i got home, made me a turkey dinner and gave me a fulll body massage and a …..
    she was a very good girl. she never complained and never asked for something i could not give her.

    that was a great day. never met a girl like her since.

  8. Joseph, II said :

    The very BEST gift you can give your Love for Valentine’s Day- is You. When you give your lover their card, -place his/her hand over YOUR heart & tell them it’s theirs & that you love them (afterwhich it’s a pretty good time to wrap your arms around them & give them a kiss to remember). And if THAT doesn’t impress them- it’s time to start looking for a new lover for the NEXT Valentines Day!

  9. BeachBum said :


  10. shy_bell80 said :

    A simple I love you

  11. cuttienayan said :

    im gifting my girl sumthing unique a personal website dedicated to her and my love i think its cool and not expensive
    just check out
    im getting it done frm thm they will launch it on 14th and it will be surprise for her
    hope this helps
    gud luck


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