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How do I get my long distance relationship to last?

My boyfriend recently went away to college and Im slightly worried if it will last. We both are deeply commited, we speak of marriage, we hardly fight. Just the occasional healthy fight. Im just worried if our relationship may fade because the distance. He is only three hours away, but we can only see each other every two months or so. Help! I just need to know if other people are going through the same thing or have experiance on long distance relationships.

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6 Responses to “How do I get my long distance relationship to last?”

  1. Evelin said :

    wow i just answered a guy’s with the same question! maybe he posted here too? lol at any rate, Im in a long distance relationship with a guy who is about 5 hours away by plane! I’m in San francisco, and he’s in montreal. I never know when i can see him, last time i didn’t see him for 7 months, but we talk every day all day, and we keep it strong until we can be together for good. I say you e mail me, and we can chat because it’s the toughest thing to endure!! You’re luckier than I am though, you get to see him every so often, and he’s only 2-3 hours away … chin up, you guys can do this!

  2. Ms Goodie said :

    How do you get your long distance relationship to last.. it will take 2 you and your boyfriend. Maybe get a book on how to spice up things.

    As for me I don’t do long distance thing. Cause if I need a hug after a rough day…I would like it ASAP not in a few months.

  3. J-Paradise said :

    Never tried it
    but there was a time when i met a girl from Mex. [[16 hours in a car]]
    We decided to just have a good time with each other while i was vacationing there. Didn’t wanna get complicated… But I wish we could of kept a long distance relationship… I have no advice sorry, but I do wish you luck…

  4. me<3david A. said :

    you got it lucky i ive 6 hours from him but going on plane plane but we keep it strong by e-mailing us calling and texting at least you can see him once a monthi cant see him for like a year sometimes i cry about it but i know that he loves and he does the same so your pretty lucky =]=]<3<3<3<3<3

    my boyfrend lives in mexico and i live in the u.s. =[

  5. ann said :

    hi there.. long distance relationship can work actually. but theres a lot of effort that needs to be done by both side. maintaining a good communication is always my priority. i know there are times when both are really busy with work & stuff but if you really love them, you’ll make the time to spend with them no matter what. just like when you first know them 😉 ive been in a long distance relationship
    for 2 years. 7 hours of time difference. but we survive so far, simply because we love each other. hopefully this helps!

  6. anna said :

    viewers, i want to use this little of my testimony to tell everybody about how Dr. Moses help me make my home…
    My name is Anna from Australia, to caught it all shot i was having a family problems my husband left me because i was not able to give him a child, i have know other solution than to start sicking for help praying and fasting for God to help me bring back my husband and to have a child of my own, so one day i saw Dr. Moses name on the internet with his email address ( when i saw this email address i never loose any hope again, i contacted him for help, to end the story he help me bring back my husband to me under four days and to my greatest surprise he prophesied and said i we have my own child and celebrate with others as a mother, am three months pregnant now and my husband is now with me without any problem, please viewers help me to thank Dr. Moses Iyere for making my home a happy one. Please contact Dr. Moses Iyere at ( he is a good man and a prophet, he can help
    you in any kind of problems please don’t pass this email address if you really want your problems to be solved thanks..


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