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Is there an easy way to lose weight fast?

So i really want to lose weight because im kinda on the chunky side. And please dont say like a weight loss program or weight loss surgery…im too young for that.

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12 Responses to “Is there an easy way to lose weight fast?”

  1. Safwan said :

    If there was, do you really think the world would be this full of fatties? Get off your arse and on that treadmill

  2. !*:)Cheerleader09(:*! said :

    don’t listen to these people who are probably obese or overweight anywayst:) 🙂 lol yes okay first do the 2468 then water fast for 3 days then 2468 again and you will lose weight and 2468= 200 cals then 400 cals then 600 and 800 you can even mix and match and if you are on your 400 day and eat 800 then its okay but you have to eat diffrent calories everyday okay?:) Eat what you want but under your calorie day oh and do it like 1-400 day 2-600 day 3-200 day 4-800:) lol then fast for three days and remember to exercise and burn atleast 1000 cals a dY BY RUNNING OR WALKING) Just start tmo and watch i have lost 3 lbs this weekk:) well in 3 days because of compulsive running and 2468:)

  3. Us said :

    Don’t eat with a large group. A study published in the Journal of Physiological Behavior found that we tend to eat more when we eat with other people, most likely because we spend more time at the table. But eating with your significant other or your family, and using table time for talking in between chewing, can help cut down on calories — and help with bonding in the bargain.

  4. Eat said :

    Order wine by the glass, not the bottle. That way you’ll be more aware of how much alcohol you’re downing. Moderate drinking can be good for your health, but alcohol is high in calories. And because drinking turns off our inhibitions, it can drown our best intentions to keep portions in check.

  5. Paramjit said :

    Fast weight loss never works. It just sets you up for rebound weight gain. This is the last thing you would want to do. Take up a regiment of a sensible healthy diet with exercise. Target to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week and after 52 weeks, you can lose up to 40 pounds. I have seen many people who look for quick weight loss and after 52 weeks are back to where they were with their weight going up and down. It just never works.

    Here is an interesting article about quick weight loss if you are interested to find out more;

    Here is another article about how fast you want to lose your weight;

    If you are indeed interested in losing weight correctly so that the weight loss is healthy and sustainable, please refer to this article;

    Hope the information was useful

  6. Rhf said :

    Get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes at least every two hours. Stuck at a desk all day? A brisk five-minute walk every two hours will parlay into an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day. And getting a break will make you less likely to reach for snacks out of antsiness.

  7. Ethytr said :

    Order the smallest portion of everything. If you’re ordering a sub, get the 6-inch sandwich. Buy a small popcorn, a small salad, a small hamburger. Studies find we tend to eat what’s in front of us, even though we’d feel just as full on less.

  8. Wash said :

    Switch from regular milk to 2%. If you already drink 2%, go down another notch to 1% or skim milk. Each step downward cuts the calories by about 20 percent. Once you train your taste buds to enjoy skim milk, you’ll have cut the calories in the whole milk by about half and trimmed the fat by more than 95 percent.

  9. Jkgh said :

    Use nonfat powdered milk in coffee. You get the nutritional benefits of skim milk, which is high in calcium and low in calories. And, because the water has been removed, powdered milk doesn’t dilute the coffee the way skim milk does.

  10. The Wild Man said :

    try the lil jack workout it really works

  11. Hannah said :

    I found this great website for losing weight a while back and bookmarked it. They offer free trials of Rachel Ray products that make you lose weight fast like she did. Me and a friend are now trying it out now.

  12. Amy said :

    2 Step Body System- Body Reshaping Garment & Le’vive Antioxidant Drink. Will drop you 2-3 sizes instantly, and when worn every day, in 4-6 weeks you will see permanent results! Email me if you would like to see my before and after pics!!!!! It is amazing!


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