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Need to loose weight 22 year old female.?

Im a 22 year old female and I need to loose weight and tone up. I drink alot of soda and hardly ever drink water. I don’t really have any healthy foods in my House. I need to know a FAST and SAFE way too loose weight quickly and tone up. I don’t like jogging or running but walking is fine. I have dumbbells and I really need to turn my flabby arms and legs to nice firm muscle and be toned. How long should I work out per day what exercise should I do ? and what should I eat ? would taking any vitamins and protien shakes help also ?

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6 Responses to “Need to loose weight 22 year old female.?”

  1. Khalil A said :

    you should go to a gym 3 hours a day

    and get on diet

    i am 14 and i do this

    but i am not fat!

  2. Fly Tetas said :

    Dude stop drinking soda and drink more water.

    Dumbbells just remember smaller weights/more reps = tone. heavier weights/less reps = muscle mass.

    If you gonna walk, power walk. At least a couple miles to have an effect. Stop eating fast food. Protein shakes are ok after a workout.


  3. The Duke said :

    There are many things you can do.
    Sounds like you know this already so cut back on the soda and drink more water..
    It doesn’t matter if you don’t like doing something like jogging, if you want to lose weight then you are going to have to work at it so suck it up. Just go to a gym and use the treadmill.
    You should take vitamins even if you aren’t trying to lose weight.

  4. cyn_texas said :

    You will lose more body fat eating protein and fat (don’t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast eat all you want but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter and half an avocado a day (you’ll need added potassium). Keep your fat percentage high. Adding in green vegetables & some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.

    If you starve yourself, your body will freak out and want to store every ounce in case it doesn’t get nourished again. You need to give it adequate nourishment so it doesn’t slow your metabolism down to compensate for lowered calories.

    Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) triggers insulin which can store the calories you eat into fat. The more protein you eat the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate you eat the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.

  5. Sanjar said :

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  6. L'S BFF said :

    well cutting down on the soda would be a good start. buy juice instead. i like milk and thats mainly what i ever drink. when you watch tv, use the dumbells! one arm at a time is easier. use a dumbell on one arm and when theres a commercial, switch to the other arm. or do both at the same time if you’reup for it. if you eat junkfood try to quit. i used to be a BIG junkfood junkie but quit easily. i used to eat a bag of chips every day. i took that out. then i tried to only eat one junkfood item a day. now i can go weeks without junkfood. this not only helps by helping you lose wight but it makes you more beautiful. it improves skin, hair, and complexion. also, if you eat healthy, you get full faster then with junkfood. Another thing, do 10 sit ups every night before bed. then after about 2 weeks, do 15, then switch it to twenty and so on. i do 50 everynight. the pounds melted off!

    ps: don’t forget to get enough rest. if you are energized you burn more calories! so get the recommended 9 hours. or at least 6.


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