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What is the best way to lose baby weight while nursing?

I had my baby 4 months ago and am nursing. I get out (I work at a busy store and am constantly on the move), I have to keep my caloric intake up for my milk supply, when I don’t its severely effected. Is there any good way to lose the post pregnancy weight while nursing? I am currently heavier than I have ever been and feel depressed over it. I have lost 20 lbs so far and my goal is 20 more lbs. Any advice?

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10 Responses to “What is the best way to lose baby weight while nursing?”

  1. Shanan said :

    Weight watchers has a post-pregnancy plan

  2. happy girl said :

    You should take up perfect pilates.

  3. said :

    through the whole pregnancy i gained 37 lb, i nursed my baby from the very beginning and didn’t do absolutely nothing to lose weight, no exercise, no diet. nursing did it all for me. i lost ALL baby weight (and even extra pound) the first 4 months just by nursing all the time.

  4. nascarfan2438 said :

    exercise. go walking!

  5. highjumpereatingorangepeelswheee said :

    dont i have once read, that this kind of thing happens, it is not a good idea to loose weight while you are pregnant, the best thing to do is basic stretching and pregnancy pilates.

  6. khakis_mi said :

    -don’t sit down right away after meals, go take a walk with ur baby and ur family.
    – i heard that there are underwears which is for improving your figures, buy the ones for postpartum women.
    -dun eat starch (bread pasta) with meat, always starch with veggie or meat with veggie (this is a little tough but try it if u really wanna loose weight)

  7. Olive said :

    What I did was walk. I walked everyday for a half hour. It made me feel better and I started to lose weight faster. I have had 3 kids and I am back down to the size I was before all of them, my youngest is 7 months, my oldest is 8 years.

  8. scooby doo said :

    Do you have time for any exercise? If so maybe try walking for 20 minutes a day it gets your heart rate up and helps burn excess fat.

  9. jen_doe said :

    cardio is the best way to rip the extra pounds off. I was on bed rest for my entire pregnancy and gained 80 pounds! I began walking for 1 hour each day at a fast pace and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day to flush the fat through. I lost all of the weight I gained and then some. It took me about 10 months. Realistically they say with exercise and proper nutrition, you should lose 1-2 pounds a week. Hope it helps.

  10. Tiffany said :

    DON’T change things. I was in the same situation as you, I had extra weight and I was nursing. I started doing fast walking, slow jogging and watching what foods I ate. My daughter went from birth 8 lbs 2 oz, 2 weeks 9 lbs 9 oz, 2 months 12 lbs 6 oz, 4 months 12 lbs. It was horrible. My husband and I were terrified as our tiny little girl underwent a TON of testing to see what was wrong, after 2 LONG weeks we found out she had suffered from dehydration and starvation. The worst thing a mom could hear. Keep telling yourself that you are providing life and nourishment for this little angel and focus on your weight later.

    I understand wanting to remedy issues, but do it carefully, My gameplan for our next little one is water, water, water and infusing daily life with more activity. Nothing extreme. I plan to go out walking with the kids and my hubby, and putting on self tan lotion (being tan always makes me feel better!!!)

    Honestly, just keep positive knowing that you are beautiful, strong (you just had a baby, boy are you strong!), and providing for your little one!!

    Warmest wishes!!!


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