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walking, sprinting or medium distance running for fat loss?

Which is better? Thanks guys.

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5 Responses to “walking, sprinting or medium distance running for fat loss?”

  1. Singular said :

    It depends on your goals, really. For fat burning, overall, I’d suggest distance running (as maintaining a steady elevated heart rate for a longer period of time will really help you out); it’s worth noting that you burn the same number of calories walking 3 miles as you do running them, it’s just that walking takes a lot longer AND you get a metabolic boost that lasts AFTER you run from the distance running.

    Another option is interval training, wherein you run at your top speed for a short period of time (a minute or two) and then jog a little bit. Keep doing that for 30 minutes or so.

    In my personal opinion, and from my own experience (I’ve lost 100 lbs), the best route to go is running about 5-10k (3-6 miles) pretty consistently, and then throwing something else in there (like biking, swimming, martial arts, etc.) for variation so your body doesn’t get too used to one thing. Strength training with weights also helps, as muscles up your metabolism and therefore burn more fat.

  2. Apathy said :

    sprinting, if you brisk walk or moderate exercise, you will use your body to burn carbohydrates instead of fat. Sprinting will use up fat faster.

  3. Iwantakickasstvandmoney4school said :

    For fat loss your going to want to bump up your metabolism as much as possible for as long as possible. The best way to do this is through sprint intervals and the best time to do this sadly is in the morning. Try any routine which works for you but it should be something along the lines of sprinting for 45 seconds followed by 45 seconds of brisk paced walking. Do this as long as possible, if you have access to a field or court doing sprints to a spot and back with each ensuing sprint to a further spot is a great fat burner. The morning is best as the rest of the day your metabolism will be shooting through the roof provided it was a good workout. While riding a bike or running long distances you are generally only burning calories as you exercise, without the added effects of continual weight loss throughout the day which sprinting provides-

  4. mikystix said :

    Try to adapt the effort to yourself, the idea is that the effort has to take at least 50 minutes but not more than 2 hours.
    Is best to start by walking 1 hour as fast as you can, but let it be a walk, not running, then day by day increase the speed.

  5. larkin (: said :

    They are all good for you, it really just depends on how much you do of each of it!
    Try maybe jogging for a wile, then whenever you get tired just walk it all out till you have caught your breath and than begin again whenever you feel your ready.
    Sprints your still not running as much, but they can make you quicker and faster at running. If you want to do sprinting though, i wouldn’t start out with just that. It might make you too tired to workout anymore, and that’s not good!
    Also, drink lots of water before you run, you’ll find it easier and your body will thank you for it!
    (: Good carbs and protein also, banana’s are wonderful for toning your body. Eat it for a pre-running snack!

    Hope i helped!


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