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What should I write on a valentines day card?

Im giving a boy ive liked for a while now a gift for valentines day. We have been friends for a couple of years. Im giving him a jaw breaker, some incense cones, and some tiger balm/bond. What should I write on the card and should I give it to him anonymously?
Im giving a boy ive liked for a while now a gift for valentines day. We have been friends for a couple of years. Im giving him a jaw breaker, some incense cones, and some tiger balm/bond. What should I write on the card and should I give it to him anonymously? by the way, im 14 so lets try to keep it under pg-13
some light sexual humor might be ok

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4 Responses to “What should I write on a valentines day card?”

  1. moonba1 said :

    no, i say give it to him in person, cause giving it to him anonymously is like saying u are a stalker who has been watching him (im not saying u are a stalker), anyway, i say give it to him in person.

  2. LovingLifeAndFriends said :

    1. don’t give it to him anonymously.
    2. write some inside jokes u have. tell him how u like him. dont make it way too lovey-dovey.

    Hope this helps :]

  3. summer said :

    okay, first of all, we have the same problem.


    try to be yourself..tell him how much you like him & how he makes you feel special, how he makes you happy, and that your happy that you’re with him..

    good luck to both of us!

  4. k.j. said :

    first of, dont give it to him anonymously…

    secondly, write something from the heart. im not saying it’s easy but something from the heart will win anyone over!!! 🙂

    happy valentines day!!


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