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how do i lose weight reall reall reall quickly?

im 15. weight around 190-200.
but im 5 foot 7.
so it looks like im 150 pounds but anyways, i want to lose like 50-60 pounds.
do u no anyway i can loose this weight like sooo quickk?
or little of it?
im not doing pills or anything.
people have told me about the magic body thing it cost like 200 dollars.
im not buying that.
something old fashion of excersising.
just tell me something please?
thank you

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5 Responses to “how do i lose weight reall reall reall quickly?”

  1. ash xx said :

    exercise ( idea: 10 mins of skipping = 30 min jog)
    eat healthy food and for dinner eat wight watches meals, healthy choice meals you no the ones in the frozen section of coles ect
    dont try to starve IT WONT WORK!

    good luck

  2. Chanel said :

    1. Dont skip breakfast. This will help your hunger for the day.
    2. At least 30mins of some activity even if its just walking.
    3. Soda is a NO!
    4. Sugar is a NO!
    5. Only eat food that has 5 ingredients or less.
    6. Dont weigh yourself everyday. But rather measure the inches every week to see your progress so you wont grow obsessed.
    7. No fried foods.
    8. Drink More water
    9. Get more sleep.
    10. Believe in yourself.

  3. Sarah said :

    There is no quick fix, sorry. I am a 5’6″ girl who’s 16 years old. I had been overweight and miserable all my life, and even was 191 lbs in Dec. of ’07. In October of ’08, at 189 lbs, I finally decided to lose the weight. So I walked for an hour everyday, cut out unhealthy food, and ate less. I lost 40 lbs in six months and am now 145 lbs. It is not impossible to lose the extra lbs by exercising and eating right, and I am proof of that. All you need is to be commited and have a strong sense of will power. Good luck!

  4. rsnMickey said :

    1. Make sure that you drink enough water. Cold water is better, because body needs extra calories to warm it up. I try to have 1 or 2 glasses of water in the morning before i drink any tea or coffee. Oh, and don’t over do it either.
    2. Make sure that you don’t eat too much or too little. If you eat too little, body will start “saving up” for the future and your metabolism rate will go down. If you eat too much – unused calories are stored. You also have to eat healthy.
    3. Exercise helps to spend those calories – so it’s always good.
    4. Also, good sleep is important.

    It’s not going to be an overnight thing, but after one week – you will look and feel better.
    All the best!

  5. nades05 said :

    i can tell you, you won’t be able to lose 50-60 lbs. “reall reall quickly” It’s a process.
    Drink as much water as you can, it supresses your hunger and keeps you hydrated.
    Walk when you can. You will be surprised at how many calories you can burn just by taking a 10-15 minute walk at lunch, or to and from school.
    Instead of eating 3 good size meals everyday, try to eat 5-7 smaller meals throughout the course of the day (as mentioned by others green tea has natural fat burners, and anti-oxidants that are great for cutting some belly fat away)
    On that note, coffee is very good as well as it has caffiene which is a natural thermogenic (burns fat AND it keeps you hydrated)
    Coffee and/or green tea should be staples if you are determined to put away some of this weight. I might suggest green tea as it is less caffienated than coffee, and somewhat less addictive
    Try to eat white meats (chicken, tuna, turkey, etc.) as they are low in fats, and are packed with lean protein, which helps build muscle, and provides energy, rather than red meats (steak, roasts, etc.)
    Raw vegetables are excellent, and some fruits (although be leary with fruits as many contain natural sugars [what makes fruits sweet] and can alter the production of insulin, therefore hindering fat burning)
    (Note: if you want some dip for your vegetables, lean towards a vinagrette [italian] instead of cream-based dips [ranch, or french onion] however, plain veggies is the safest route)
    Finally, dedication is the key. If you want to succeed, you will find a way.
    Hope it helps


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