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How can I wean myself off using the Internet and start doing other things?

For the past 12 months, I ve been using the internet from 9 to 14 hours a day, I need your help!!

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11 Responses to “How can I wean myself off using the Internet and start doing other things?”

  1. harry said :

    put your pc in a box and stay away from other people’s

  2. dtwladyhawk said :

    Be an adult and tell the little child within, no computer til the work is done. Period. And if that doesn’t work, give your monitor to someone you trust.

  3. jacs said :

    don’t think i can help i’m getting addicted to being on line as well i have a laptop so thin k i’m going to have to loan it to my friend so i can break the habit if it works will let you know !!!!!!!!!!! damn if it works i won’t be able to lol

  4. rustynail said :

    Try reducing your usage by 10 mins a day until you get it down to a reasonable level. Use the extra time to do your hair, wash your face, eat, walk in the sun, gradually you will not want to be indoors for that much time. Good luck with your addiction.

  5. Valerie said :

    Seriously unplug all those computer wires (if it’s a desktop) and put it in the closet. If you are desperate enough to haul the computer back and plug everything back in just to use the internet then…wow. You might need some real help there.

  6. A H said :

    throw away your computer/laptop and go out and get a life

  7. wormvortex said :

    A good start would be to stop posting questions on yahoo answers 🙂

  8. rebelgirl said :

    Pull the plug and get a life. Did you see that episode of “my name is earl” where the interenet geek died lonely and they discovered all his internet buddies lived within a 2 mile radius of him? Get yourself out there and discover who your real friends are

  9. said :

    You’re not on your own..I’ve gone from 2 hours a day to 6 in recent weeks….
    Now I am back working so it should reduce..Good luck with this one..

  10. Gertrude said :

    I’ve been using the Internet more and more and it’s so easy to log on and get lost in all that’s available.
    I agree with Rusty, wean yourself off. If you find it hard to log off once you’re on it then don’t log on as early as you do, keep putting it off and leave it untill later and later each day and set an alarm for a certain time that you have to log off at. Sometimes the hours pass like minutes on here and a day can be gone before you realise it.
    Good luck!

  11. lovable_leny said :

    stop asking questions on here for a start! – the more questions you ask, the more times you will come on the internet to read the answers!

    by the way, actually, has any1 else noticed that answering these questions is actually addictive? i love it !!!


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