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how can i lose weight fast in a way that works and stays off?

i have tried every thing and i give up if a dont see any results afer the first week or so i need to see results so i will no its working and carry on.

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12 Responses to “how can i lose weight fast in a way that works and stays off?”

  1. Justsyd said :

    The fastest diet is fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Cut down on pasta, bread and sugar, and you will lose weight and keep it off. Drink lots of water too.

  2. char said :

    eat less fat and carbs and alot of exercise at school they say climbling stairs is the best way to lose weight!

  3. huggywell said :

    Diet and exercise. if its not working then you are not doing it right. Maybe a case of dieters amnesia…you forget what you eat!
    If you reduce your daily intake of calories by 500 a day, you WILL lose weight, guaranteed!
    You must keep going to see the real results, giving up is not going to get you where you want to be.

  4. 2 good 2 miss said :

    It wont work in one week…. Its a change of lifestyle, your diet and exercise, so just trying for one week wont be any good

  5. trimtautterrific said :

    Cambridge Diet is really fab! Not easy, but the boost you get from the quick results keep you going xxx

  6. Elisabeth R said :

    Well there’s no fast way that’s healthy. The thing is that you need to eat right and excersise (and you need to expend more energy or calories than you are putting into your body)..

    The best way for you to see results is to watch what you eat, get some excersie.

    Before you start mearsure yourself (bust, waist, hips) and weigh yourself. Keep a log of your measurements and weight each week. Do it on the same day each week as well. You’ll have better results (at least I do). Also keep a log of what you are eating, how much (servings/calories). You want to keep track of the calories you are eating every day. It will help you make better eating choices. You’ll start to just know the calories and instead of eating the greasy burger you may decide to have grilled chicken instead.

    Good luck.

  7. pickynikki4life said :

    Okay…first things first….The HEALTHIEST way to lose weight, is slowly. And the best diet our there is “Eat less, and move around more.” Losing more than a pound a week is very unhealthy for our bodies. You shouldn’t go on a crash diet. And if you do go on a diet, you will have to KEEP AT IT. You can’t just diet for a month, lose the weight you wanted, and then get off the diet. You will just gain everything back, and maybe a little more.
    All in all, eat in smaller proportions, and get plenty of exercise…oh, and sleep too.

  8. can't say said :

    Did you gain all your weight in a week? Probably not, don’t expect it to drop off in one week.

  9. WavyD said :

    Take this little formula – Fast Off = Fast On.
    The trick to successful weight loss is in keeping the metabolism running, whilst restricting calorie intake and increasing exercise. Eating small meals on a regular basis (calorie counted) will keep your metabolism burning fat and producing lean tissue as you exercise. If you restrict too heavily, your body will start storing fat and burning lean tissue. I have lost a stone in one month by eating in this way. Remember, you need both protein and carbohydrate in your diet to function correctly. A little fat in your food is also not a problem, as long as it is not saturated. Your body needs a small amount of fat to function. Above all drink plenty of water as this helps to flush the body of impurities and prevent dehydration.

  10. TD said :

    In this day and age we’re all used to getting results NOW! Unfortunately there is no quick fix to loosing weight in a sensible fashion, however done correctly the slower path will inevitably lead to a slimmer future… You’ve already admitted that you give up after the first week from not seeing results. The best advice i can give you is firstly go to a nutritionist, and secondly get a personal trainer. The key here is to hit it from both angles, with a good nutritionist you can re-map your eating habits to ensure your getting all the nutrients you need to loose weight quickly and safely, and keep it off! – As far a personal trainer is concerned, go for a few sessions, get a program put together balancing Cardio Vascular activity and plenty of weight lifting – Weights are often overlooked for fear of putting on too much muscle, in actual fact getting muscular will only occur if you put an awful lot of effort into it. The one key factor that weightlifting does bring however is the huge raise in your metabolic rate…. The real fat burner!
    So to sum up… Go see a nutritionist, get a personal trainer, do plenty of CV… Do even more weights! – Get yourself excited, really excited at the prospect that your new body is just around the corner. Don’t give up. You can do it! – for more info.

  11. Oonagh said :

    Fast weight loss is not to be recommended unless you want to make yourself ill. Most health experts think one or two pounds a week is a safe amount to lose.

    Try a slimming club swap dieting experiences with others. I lost twenty pounds once over three months —-that seemed like a good idea until my hair started to fall out. I have heard even more scarey stories so be careful a visit to your doctor might be a good start.

  12. said :

    depends on how fast, i ‘m a member of slimming world and find that works quite fast and has a good support network. the best thing is plenty of fresh fruit and veg and unfortunatley exercise. go to


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