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How do people manage to ignore hunger when dieting?

I don’t want to take up smoking as I have a heart condition
I find it causes me to lose concentration at work (and maybe come here as it’s easier!)

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31 Responses to “How do people manage to ignore hunger when dieting?”

  1. zoeksalamander said :

    by smoking.

  2. mysterious_gal1984 said :

    drinking lots of water

  3. steph said :

    i think it comes down to will power

  4. Sam X9 said :

    Because they are determine to loose weight.

  5. jam said :

    Munch on ice

  6. caodrdy said :

    alot of the times hunger can be mistaken as thirst. so if you ever get hungry, drink a big glass of water. Itll take that “hunger/thirst” away and you can go right on with your diet.

  7. Adrien said :

    Most of them drink a lots of water until they are bloated this way they believe they can’t stuff anything inside…

  8. jules said :

    prozac, but i have to eat as i cook for my children

  9. Roxy said :

    exercise would be a better way to lose weight and you could still eat. stick with veggies and stuhh if you must diet like that and drink lots of water cuz apparently that helps.

  10. Spadesboffin said :

    You shouldn’t go hungry when dieting else you are doing it wrong. Dieting shouldn’t be about starvation but balanced calorie control.

  11. Chancer G said :

    It takes about 2 days to get used to the amount your now eating instead of what you were.

    If you find your tummy rumbling or getting yourself a sore head have a quick nap for 15 mins or so.You’ll wake up and you wont be hungry.

  12. cheyan said :

    drink lots of water funny huh believe it or not it works it fills u up

  13. __Shele said :

    Keep your mind busy….I usually work so much during the day that I forget to eat. So either find an online game that keeps your interest or a project that keeps you busy that you would rather do that than eat.

  14. Chrissy said :

    If you eat 5/6 small meals a day you shouldn’t be hungry. The first week you might be, but once you condition your body to the changes, you’re good to go. Give yourself a cheat day once a week .. don’t cheat the whole day though!! Just pick a meal or two and enjoy!

    Eating frequently keeps your metobolism reved up, and by eating frequently, you may not be hungry, but eat your small meal anyway, that you won’t over eat later in the day.

  15. Thaylen M said :

    Taking up smoking isn’t a solution to hunger pains. You’re inviting lung and throat cancer as an alternative? When I get hunger pains I usually exercise or go for a walk. Drinking a diet drink can curb them too or try thicker slim fast or boost.

  16. Dirty_Idea said :

    There’s two types of hunger. There’s “Mmmm, I hope dinner’s ready soon”/”I need to cook something, I’m starving” hunger. This is normal. You’re likely to get this before meals. Maybe up to an hour. Get used to it.

    IF, however, you’re hungry after meals, or lay awake at night with hunger, you have a crap diet. Add as many non-potato vegetables as you wish to your evening meal. As many leafy veg to lunch. Really. If you’re doing a stir fry, it can cover two plates, as long as you only have extra veg. Yes, you will eat more calories. But it’s not that many, and you’ll feel happier and content with your meal. In reality, you’ll probably only eat and extra 10 fork fulls at most, which will cost about 100 calories. It will make all the difference to your contentment though.

  17. Neil D said :

    Take up a hobby and keep yourself busy, speak to a friend on the phone do anything to keep busy and if that doesnt work then you really are hungry and should eat something healthy like carrot or cucumber sticks. dont starve yourself or the weight just goes back on after the diet

  18. llamedos said :

    Find some that you can get stuck into .To take your mind off food .

  19. roberta said :

    doing some sort of thing and drinking water

  20. Nikita21 said :

    Roman soldiers used fennel to prevent hunger pangs when on long marches. Worth a try?

  21. afatninja said :

    When i get hungry , specially at night, i eat weetabix, and semi skimmed milk… fills me up and dont put on weight….

  22. Clare T said :

    Just think about how fat and horrible you will be if you don’t ignore it! Yuk all those fat wobbly bits, eewwww!

  23. Caroline N said :

    drink lots of water and keep busy, sometimes the body mistakes thirst for hunger so when u fee hungry have a drink before eating.

    dont starve urself though, have lots a healthy snacks available ( carrot sticks, chopped up apple, grapes, low fat yogurts- all that tyoe of thing) so when u feel hungry u can just munch on them!

  24. ty w said :

    Well Most Ppl When Dieting Don’t Ignore Hunger They Are Just Stronger And Can Keep There Selfs From Eating. Im Sure There Are Pills That Reduce Your Hunger But IDK.

  25. briarwood said :

    for me its chewing gum and water and lots of willpower, also make sure that when you do eat your are eating good filling food, salads all day wont do you any good! Good luck.

  26. finalfrontier1976 said :

    I suppose it’s just self control.

  27. Melly said :

    Don’t smoke, Its only going to cause more problems and its going to make you lethargic, you wont be able to exercise as much as you want to.

    Try having a big glass of water between meals but don’t skip meals because your metabolism will slow down causing you to gain weight more when you do eat.

  28. trish181 said :

    Hi there
    I know that I will be knocked for this but I will answer anyway.
    If you take an appetite suppressant then you will not be hungry.
    It works. I know I lost a lot of weight with it and so does my customers. There are photos on my website of them. So you can see for yourself.
    Hope this was of some help to you

  29. skillman said :

    eat haggis you’ll soon be off food for a while.

  30. Weight Loss said :

    I use Stack Body Tune Up which has hoodia as an ingredient. I have lost 35 pounds since July 15, 2006.

    If I can be of further assistance, let me know.

  31. emma s said :

    you should never feel hungry on a diet. what are you living on lettuce leaves? fruit and veg should be eaten a lot. and drinking plenty of water. I’m on a diet and never get hungry plus i still occasionally eat my old favourite foods like biscuits.


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