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Are there any slimming pills that actually work?

i bought some off ebay and they were rubbish! anyone actually used any good ones? im losin weight gradually but slooooowly and need 2 speed it up a bit lol thanks in advance

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17 Responses to “Are there any slimming pills that actually work?”

  1. spy_vs_spy_vs_spy said :

    yes, they are called cocaine pills.

  2. minion said :

    ya. it is called exercise.

  3. highfidelity23 said :

    No theres not and they are all very unsafe!

  4. Ashley said :

    Yes! My mom is taking these pills called Relacore and she lost a little over 30 lbs in 1-2 months & she never even works out. Just sitts on her a**. So, if you work out you’re going to lose weight quick!

  5. kammoo said :

    not that iknow of any… but i would say stay off them… healthier to work it off…trying upping your exercise , changing the routine etc…..

  6. Bubbles said :

    There are amphetamine pills but they are just posh speed. They will speed your metabolic rate up but are bad for your mental well-being. I suggest the old favourite…the calorie controlled diet. Try drinking fizzy diet drinks when hungry as these will make you feel fuller.


  7. Jimmy H said :

    Don’t use slimming pils please , theyre rubbish ,even the good ones, just stick to your guns and be patient, I was on the slimmers world plan and lost 5st in 6 months, but i hear good things about weight watchers too, but dont put ya body through the stress of slimming pils , they can cause blood clots and all kinds of nasty things

  8. ♥☺Ellie☺♥ said :


  9. Jenny A said :

    no, they are all gimmicks to get your $$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Eat less, eat less fatty foods, and exercise more…that’s all you can do.

  10. perfectlybaked said :

    I work in a pharmacy, and people swear by a lot of ’em. The only one I remember by name is the Hydroxycut. This is, of course, only a personal opinion.

  11. Daisy said :

    yellow jackets you can bye at gas stations

  12. BunnyJoy said :

    Aim for healthy and you will get slim in the bargain, aim for slim and you will generally get fat and sick. I lost 23 pounds my first month and now I am down by 45 on my nutrition program. I also lost all the stretch marks from when the PILLS made me gain like crazy. Mostly it is about good nutrition and a plan YOU can stick to. I love my plan because I can eat what I want so long as I get all the nutrition I need, also I get a free weight-loss coach and I save about $300 a month (net) on groceries for me and my (large) husband. The best part is the stuff tastes great (I am a very picky eater, for me this is a must on any diet). I hope this helped God Bless – Jeanne

    Oh, if you want more information or I neglected something important please feel free to contact me

  13. Xtine said :

    The only thing they will make lighter is your pocket.Use your money to buy good healthy food instead

  14. ottoman said :

    simple answer is NO….

  15. Sexy Red said :

    Hi ive been on 2 sorts off slimming pills are they both worked.First pills was all herbal and called Thermaslimmer,these are quite expensive but really do work.They speed up your metasilism and give you loads off energy.but they can make you abit snappy and have mood swings.You can get these at health shops and sunbed shops.The next one is hoodia which im still on,ive had no side affects yet,and these are also quite expensive but you can get these off the internet half the price.These also speed the metasilism up aswell and make you less hungry.These are sold in holland and barrart.Well good luck and if you want anymore advice about these email me.

  16. crazychick said :

    i used green tea they speed up your metabolism, they are really good, they are £10.00 for 100.

  17. Liis B said :

    Ive just been on a course from my doctor called Redactil, they really work, but you can only take them if your blood pressure doesn’t shoot up, sadly mine did and I had to stop them, but if you can get them, they really do reduce your appetite and help you lose weight .. good luck !


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