How can I open a dog day care facility, a big one and a breeding business in Pasadena, CA?

I have a veterinary technician associate degree plus a diploma in dog obedience, and 2 animal care certificates one for dog care and one for cat care. I would really like to open a big facility for pet care in Pasadena CA. What licenses do I need. I am also planning to have a vet to be there all the time for emergencies.

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One Response to “How can I open a dog day care facility, a big one and a breeding business in Pasadena, CA?”

  1. maliboo_girl said :

    You’ll need to speak to the city. Pasadena is notoriously tough to do business in, they have very strict laws about building, insurance, etc. I really think a breeding business won’t fly, besides, realistically the area is too expensive for the space needed. (And don’t even try in a residential area, the residents are not casual about that kind of thing!) If you’re thinking Pit Bulls, forget it, Pasadena has an ordinance against it. Also, there are many pet facilities in Pasadena/Altadena, probably too many to make opening a facility a good financial option in this economy.

    Go to the city, but don’t hold your breath. Doing business in Pasadena is also a very slow process.


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