How to get physically fit in a month before shipped off to the military?

im leaving for bootcamp in june and i need to get physically fit. my requirement for push ups is 17 and i can only do about three. whare the best excercises i can do to raise my number of pushups

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4 Responses to “How to get physically fit in a month before shipped off to the military?”

  1. its_me said :

    try lifting some weights..
    it can make your arms stronger..

  2. Jogo said :

    Oh my, you are going to get your assed kicked. The best way to get better at pushups is by doing pushups, especially if you can only do 3. Dips and benchpress are good exercises too that would help build strength chest and tricep stength but in a month I don’t know how much muscle you can build. Best just practice what is going to be expected of you and you can get into better shape once you are accepted at boot camp.

  3. lzyboy said :

    go 2 the gym, its that easy =]

  4. Aaron Cheng said :

    try working out


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