How can I used pretax money to pay for personal medical insurance premiums?

My employer is a small business owner and does not provide benefits (health insurance, 401k, etc.). My wife and I are pretty health, so even with the insurance premiums – we don’t have enough medical expense to use as an itemized deduction (7.5% of gross earning). Is there any options for me to be able to pay my insurance premiums with pretax dollars?

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2 Responses to “How can I used pretax money to pay for personal medical insurance premiums?”

  1. Michael M said : – here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

  2. Tamica Isabell said :

    “I Think it’s completely normal. I think It’s fine. I will always take them seriously as actors. Because if they have pictures and all that it shows they have a life. They are still normal people. Everyone has the right to blog.”


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