Is there anyway of getting slimmer toned legs and firm ass in 2 weeks?

I plan to do lunges, squats etc and walk to work and back every day for 2 wks, this is 6miles a day walking.
Combined with a workout most days and jogging once a day for half an hour, is there anyway I can do anything to see a difference in my legs and bum in 2 weeks or is this imposs?

I wana look stunning to go on hols!

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10 Responses to “Is there anyway of getting slimmer toned legs and firm ass in 2 weeks?”

  1. Crissy E said :

    find some stairs and go …. up… down…. up… down… up… down…. colapse. repeat the next day. 🙂 good luck.

  2. Iqbal said :

    Use hot whirl pool for 20 minutes a day.

  3. The Instructor said :

    You really have thought about doing this too late. By all means do it and you will notice a difference if you keep it up just don’t be surprised if you don’t see much in 2 weeks. It really all depends on how well your body reacts to the excercise you may start to notice a change in your physique but I really don’t think you will notice anything major rather the beginnings of greatness. YOu really should start now and keep it up so that for your next holiday you will definatly look stunning. Also Excercise is nothing without a good healthy balenced diet.

  4. Wally Y said :

    Do all of that and change your diet to exclude all red meats and pork or as much as you can. Stop eating any junk foods that contain extra salts or sugars. Stop drinking sodas the number one cause of osteoporosis in women and men. Start eating more fresh vegetable raw in salads, stir-fried with tofu in extra virgin olive oil or steamed to bring out natural flavor. Eat fresh fruits for snacks and drink organic fruit juices. Drink at least 6 to 8 bottles of pure water every day. It took me thirty days to lose thirty pound and actually see toned muscle in my legs, but with your routine this will probably occur a lot sooner. Do this forever. When you are well past middle age, if your friends are like mine they will be constantly bugging you to tell them your anti-aging secrets.

  5. splurge said :

    Sounds like youll have an ass like a rock but dont overdo it and burn out as you might injure yourself and end up with a marshmellow!!

  6. angler said :

    Stand on one foot with your fingers against a wall to keep balanced.No need to be outstretched.Rise onto beneath your
    toes.Bend your leg and lower keeping your back straight until
    your bottom is just past the back of your knee.Push back up on your toes.Do 5 times and the same with the other leg.If you can
    manage 3 sets of 5 increase the amount.10 days your legs will
    be whistled at and your bot pinched.

  7. cara said :

    Walk briskly for an hour at least every day. Best way to firm up those thighs and bums, and it’ll get those feel-good hormones flowing too which will immediately give you an inner glow that is soooo attractive.
    To get rid of pesky cellulite, mix up some honey and sugar in a glass and rub massage it onto your skin before you shower using circular motions. You’ll be smooth and gorgeous before you know it

  8. SUE G online said :

    you can try doing leg lifts, lie on your side, lift the leg closest to ceiling up as far as you can, keeping it straight, after a few, hold it there for as long as you can, dont quite put your leg to the floor on the downwards, then do the other side, you will be able to do more as time goes on, it does wonders for legs and bum. you can feel the muscles work, enjoy your hol

  9. Dr Frank said :

    Sorry but you have left it far too late and are planning to do far to much. Your expectations are quite unrealistic. Slow down choice sensible goals and expect to take 5-6 months to see any real difference.

  10. Angle Tunstall said :

    Brutal Stuff, still I would have to declare that given the abundance of views this has had it may be desirability meditating about trying to improve the spelling and the english! Made a terribly good read though, great stuff.


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