How do I connect Mikomi DVD recorder to Freeview that has just one scart lead?

I can connect the DVD recorder and watch a DVD, I was also able to get the DVD recorder to find analogue channels, but I am having no luck getting it to recognise my Freeview box and record satellite channels. It is a Mikomi DS-8668 and the Freeview box is the smaller kind with one scart socket. I have got three scart leads and some RF cables to work with, but everything I’ve tried seems to fail.
Hope someone knows! Thanks!

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One Response to “How do I connect Mikomi DVD recorder to Freeview that has just one scart lead?”

  1. Goliath said :

    Use the RF out from Freeview to RF in DVD recorder. Then AV out from DVD recorder to AV in TV.


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