when ever i brush my teeth my gum bleeds is there any medicine?

i have used every mouth wash i can think of but is not working.

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10 Responses to “when ever i brush my teeth my gum bleeds is there any medicine?”

  1. John said :

    You have gingivitus, go to the dentist for a cleaning, brush really good at least twice a day from then on and they should stop within a month, trust me I went through it. you havnt been to the dentist in a while have you

  2. JERILYN D said :

    Bleeding gums are usually a sign of gum disease. Keep brushing and flossing your teeth every day (twice a day would be better) and if it doesn’t start improving in a few days, get to a dentist and get a good cleaning.

  3. rhay ♥ said :

    you are brusing too hard!! get a softer bristle brush if it’s a harder brush, and press more gently- or not at all. gargle with some warm, salty water, and that should stop the bleeding.

  4. Adam S said :

    There are a few things you can try. Get a very soft tooth brush and some tooth paste for sensitive gums.My dentist told me that sometimes bleeding gums are just a sign that your gums aren’t as healthy as they should be, but if you are consistently brushing your teeth and gums, they’ll toughen up and you won’t have to worry about bleeding.

  5. Jason said :

    You either have gingivitis or you are brushing too hard. Try a softer bristle on your toothbrush, if that doesnt work, go to the dentist.

  6. amiekitty said :

    you might have gum desease or something, if you smoke tha is.

  7. Clar92 said :

    it might have to do with your iron levels, “drink some orange juice” but really it just has to do with creating calluses, it will itch for awhile. you might try a softer toothbrush.

  8. movis said :

    Get some mouthwash with Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2%.

    According to the label on my bottle of Corsodyl, this treats “Bleeding Gums, Irritated Gums and Mouth Ulcers”

    Corsodyl is available on supermarket shelves and other shelves too…at least it is in the UK.

    Do not use for longer than necessary as if you use it for months it will make your teeth go brown (which doesn’t happen if you don’t drink tea/coffee/red wine within 1hr anyway). I think a dentist can scale & polish that off though.

  9. creamfeather said :

    use a soft toothbrush, and dont brush so hard. Get advice from you dentist.

  10. Ashco said :

    this is very common

    this is called gingivitis – translated means inflamation of the gums

    it is very important you keep brushing even though you bleed – you can go to your dentist and they will give you proper mouthwash specifically for this symptom

    hope this helps



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