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Do you think its wrong to call of work to go Christmas shopping?

My friend I only see one time a year can only get together with me on THursday to go Christmas shopping, so I’m going to call in sick. There will be enough people to cover me, but I feel quilty, because I never do this.

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10 Responses to “Do you think its wrong to call of work to go Christmas shopping?”

  1. Bl♥ndy said :

    lol… i get it, life is insanely busy. it can be hard to live your life when work gets in the way.

    just don’t make a habit of it, everyone needs a break once in a while.

  2. said :

    Well you only get to see her once a year!
    So just go out and have a good time with your friend and let your guilt roll of your back!

  3. Lola said :

    I’d feel guilty too, but don’t sweat it, have a good time with your friend. If you’re covered at work, then don’t worry!!

  4. said :

    ask yourself you are at work 325 days a year what is one day off to have some fun???

  5. milk man said :

    do it..tell your boss an airplane landed in your driveway and you cant get out…hahaha

  6. chainbart said :

    **** YES ******

    first of all how could you go shopping and spend money when the economy is horrible?
    how are you going to feel after you spent money and the next day you lose your job?
    its obvious you don’t care about your job when you call in a sick day and spend money, you are taking your job for granted!

    you should hang your head in shame, or you have no conscience

  7. Sha 23 said :

    No ya family and kids come first

  8. oceanofthemind said :

    Oh wow this is crazy I can’t believe you would even think about doing this. You shouldn’t even call out of work when your sick because there are people counting on you people who are so much more important than you who need to make their Porsche payments this month that you need to bust your ass for and make sure you do it at the expense of time with family and friends. Unless you own a business your just working for some rich guy who does not even work the weekends or holidays and barely during the week even …….even if you work for the government there are people getting rich off you……..

  9. mia delight said :

    Loosen up girl, life is too short, go have fun don’t give it a second thought. Time spent with a friend is so much more valuable than a job.The only guilt you should ever think of ,is if you don’t call off.

  10. Yuri said :

    What?! We have to stop listening to Christmas music after Christmas is over?! I didn’t get that memo…I try to stercth it out until at least March…then I take a break for a while and crack it out again in August. I’m such a dork.


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