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What would be a good career/profession for a woman with 3 kids, 13, 9, and 7? Any opinions?

I have 3 to 4 years to devote to school. Thinking of leaving husband, he’s cheated 3 times. I want to be able to provide, yet still be there for my children. Any suggestions? Would love to hear them!

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6 Responses to “What would be a good career/profession for a woman with 3 kids, 13, 9, and 7? Any opinions?”

  1. sims4lyfe said :

    Whatever you want to be!

  2. rcsinga said :

    medical field. Always a job available. I would suggest x-ray tech or something similar. Good luck!

  3. tincre said :

    The issue isn’t whats good for your situation….but what do you want to do…?
    Think about it, then you can make a decision.

  4. chickendontfly said :

    sorry love, i am like u – have 3 kids, had been working at high school as a teacher, left my abusive husband.hated working at school, wanted to take better care of my kids. the only idea i came up with was to get married again with a wealthy decent man who would take care of me and my children. so i did that. now i ain’t working no more and ain’t thinking how to provide for my kids – i have a husband, a nice one this time. so i wish u the same

  5. Diana W said :

    Nurse would be good. You’d never have to look for a job, they’d look for you, and you could work while you’re going to school. Plus you’d make enough money to leave once you’re an RN

  6. hvn s said :

    Come on over to
    There are a TON of resources there for working at home jobs, telecommuting, direct sales and more.

    If you want to go to school, then the medical field is in huge demand. Nursing especially and you can likely qualify for a complete scholarship.

    If you need additional support regarding the pending divorce and the infidelity, come to

    There are a ton of resources there to help you thru~ such as links for legal aide, benefits, things like that. Plus a message board to help with support.

    If he has cheated 3 times, then I highly doubt things will get better. I am sorry you are going thru this. Been there and done that. And it is not easy, but you can survive and come out stronger than ever.

    Best wishes for you and the kids.


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