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At what age did your little one start sleeping mostly through the night?

I’m going to be a new mom soon and I was wondering when your baby started sleeping longer. Like 5-6 hrs? I am trying to understand all of this. If anyone can go through what the first 3 months were like at night, that would be great too!

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10 Responses to “At what age did your little one start sleeping mostly through the night?”

  1. Johnny's Mommy said :

    The first 3 weeks, we were up every 2-2.5 hours feeding/changing diapers. Then, around 4 weeks, he just decided to sleep 6 hours straight… Then a few days later, 7 hours straight. At 3 months, he was sleeping a full 8-9 hours straight.

    I consider myself to be really lucky to have such a good sleeper. I hope you have the same luck! 🙂

  2. mammywebb said :

    The 1st 8wks wer hectic, my daughter was in a moses basket and would wake nearly every hr just due to been unsettled or losing her dummy, at 8wks we put her in her cot and she has slept all the way thru …last bottle around 10pm and then not waking til 9am…for thew past 2mnths (shes 7mnths now) she has had her last bottle at 8pm and doesnt wake til 8:30am…so yeah it was tuff for 1st 8wks but once in her cot she was fantastic

  3. α∂νєηтυяє ιѕ нєяє said :

    Although every baby is different (u heard this a million times) I have 3 boys. My 7 yr old slept through the night right from birth & still does from 8-10pm until 8:15 every morning. Now I have 7 month twin boys and “A” sleeps most nights through while “B” still waks up for 2 feedings. Both boys are in bed sleeping around 9:30pm. Now, “B” will sleep through from 9:30 until about between 1-2:30 and then awake arounf 5:30 and up around 7.

    So, from my answer I stick to the “Every Baby is Different!”

    PS…remember as parent(s) we will NEVER rest for the rest our our lives!!!!

  4. iheartlaura said :

    the first 3 months i fed my daughter every 2 hours ( give or take a little ) around 4-5 months she slept 7-9 hours when she started teething at 8 months shes been waking up every 3-4 hours.shes 13 months now and doesnt sleep through the night.she wakes up at 3 am everyday to stand up,scream and throw her binky at the wall

    you never know what your child will do. you might be lucky and your baby will start sleeping several hours at a time or you will be like the rest of us and learn to function on 6 hours of broken sleep every night.

  5. Nina said :

    Both of my boys: 5-6 weeks of age

    However, I think I’m one of the lucky few. I have a good friend who’s daughter was still waking up at night to eat at a year old.

  6. Kaylei J said :

    I have just become a new mum to and i can say every baby is different at first he would wake up mostly every 3 hours because he obviously didnt no it was night time and now that he is 13 weeks he sleeps from 8 oclock when i put him to bed then wakes up at 6-7 for a feed and sleeps untill i wake up again i was told by the health visitors and doctors this is becuse he is getting to understand nightime is for sleeping and this can take up to 3 months for them to understand.Some babies wake up every 3 hours untill they are at least 1 though, you never no like i said ever baby is different.Good luck and hope you enjoy being a parent!

  7. kissyh14 said :

    My daughter would wake up normally every 2.5 or 3 hours to eat and be changed. I do remember a few nights that were bad and we were up most of the night with her. Until we figured out putting her in the swing helped her when she was really cranky and we couldn’t get her to sleep that did work. She was sleeping through the night by 6 weeks old. From 12am to 7am at first and then it went to 12am-10am by the time she was 8 weeks old. Then it went from 10pm-10am when she was around 4 to 5 months old.

    My son would wake up every 3 hours for the first 4 weeks. Then it went to every 5 hours during the night which was only one feeding. He would sleep from 11pm to 7am one time each night every week since he was born. It was like he new that I need some sleep or something. By the time he was 8 weeks old he slept from 10pm to 9:30, 10:00am. We never had any sleepless nights with him.

    I was very lucky to have two great sleepers and they are still great sleeper. My daughter is almost 4 and still sleeps from 9:30pm to 9:30am and sometime until 10am. My son is 13 months old and he does the same thing as my duaghter I think since they share a room it helps because they wake up and see the other one there and feel comfortable and goes back to sleep.

    Please don’t get me wrong even though both of my kids slept through the night very early doesn’t mean that they don’t wake up sometimes during the night. Most of the time when they do it is normally because they are hungry and going through a growth spurt and need some extra milk or food. You will get some nights even after they sleep through the night where you may be up all night with them especially when they are sick.

    Good Luck and congratulations on you upcoming arrival of you little one!!!

  8. mommy_2_liam said :

    I put my son in his own bed at 2 weeks old…by 2-1/2 weeks he was sleeping 10 hours a night. I established a routine then as he kept doing it. I would give him a bath every night…use Aveeno lavendar..then give him a good rub down with Aveeno lavender baby lotion so his sking wouldn’t dry out. I gave him a good nurse, and put him down at about 9pm…he would sleep till 6 or 7 am, I would change him and nurse him again, and he would go back down for another hour or so. He is now 3, and we are still following the same routine, and he hasn’t stopeed sleepng through the night,

  9. crunchy mama said :

    All mine were breastfed on demand, and started sleeping through the night between the ages of 2-3 years.

  10. tw9165 said :

    2 1/2 – 3 months from about 8-4am- prior to that it was every 2-4 hrs.


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