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Quick and easy fat loss rememdies?

My sister-in-law to be is very nervous about how she’s going to look on the wedding day, because she, like me, is generally slim but has certain problem areas that are usually hidden by clothes. We would greatly appreciate some quick solutions to look good in our gowns on the wedding day.
I want some simple, effective exercises to lose hip, stomach, and thigh fat. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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5 Responses to “Quick and easy fat loss rememdies?”

  1. Lizbeth said :

    Did you know that surplus weight is not always thanks to surplus fat? There can be a great deal of unwanted weight simply sitting around in your insides. The newest supplement will clean your insides and help you to shed up to twenty lbs, frequently from your tummy (show me a person who does not want to shed some pounds from their tummy LOL!!). There is a risk free trial available at I’ve been taking it for 3 weeks now and it is definitely working!!

  2. Heda said :

    go to i’ve been using it and its got awesome facts on loosing weight and toning up =) also try using the paul mckenner way i’ve been doing it and i’ve lost 4kgs in 2 weeks he basically says to

    1.When you are hungry, EAT: why because starving yourself isn’t cool and by eating small snacks through out the day will fasten up your metabolism helping to loose the weight.When you starve yourself your body goes into ‘survival mode’ it slows your metabolism and your body starts to store fat. When you eat when you are truly hungry you tell your body there will always be enough food and so you metabolism is likely to speed up.

    2.Eat what you want, not what you think you should: When you go on a diet and told you shouldn’t eat this or you shouldn’t eat that those foods become more appealing to you so when you do eat them you pig out on them and over indulge. Eat what you want but in moderation.

    3.Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful: don’t shovel your food down quickly insted eat it at a steady rate and actually enjoy the food, for example if your eating a bowl of pasta have a spoon full put your knife and fork down and chew it slowly than pick the fork up and have another spoon, this works because your body takes a bit to realized your actually full so eating it slowly will give your body time to notice your full so your not over eating and feeling bloated and sick afterwards

    4.When you think you are full, STOP eating: Even if you have still have half a plate of food left over stop and have more of it later when your feeling hungry. This also help to stop with bloating and over eating, your body knows when its had enough to eat and it will tell you so listen to it! Over eating is how you would have put most of your weight on so more smaller portions of food is better.

    in the way of exercise try buying yourself one of those walking counters wear it all day and at night look how much you have walked and try and walk more and more each day than the day before.

    Also do interval training for example if your on a treadmill walk for a few minutes than jog than back to walking than run. Or run up a hill than walk down than run back up again, Do small, easy weights once or twice a week. By doing a program silimar to this tricks your body so it doesn’t know what is coming next and doesn’t bore you which burns more calories than if you were to just spend 30m Min’s jogging on a treadmill, doing light weights also burns calories plus tones without bulking your muscles up. Being ‘bulky’ like a body builder ect comes with serious hard work and if you suddenly stop your weight and exercise program your muscle turns into fat faster making it harder to get rid of.

    I highly suggest you take on a exercise and weight loss program like this than any diet pills or anything else, remember that to keep weight off the more steady you loose it the more likely you have of keeping it off. Looking back at most of the Biggest loser contenders around the world I’m sure you’ll see most of them have put either all or more weight back on due to how fast it came off.

    go to your book store and buy a book called “I can make you thin” written by Paul McKenna his book is not a diet and it won’t give you some way to loose weight over night but it is the safest and best way of loosing weight and KEEPING it off. Basically in the book he explains about his 4 golden rules above

  3. farraj said :

    Well, the problem here is that the only way to burn fat and pull the skin in is by doing cardio. There is no way to burn fat from one part only. The human body has no idea how to do that. I know it sound stupid but thats how it works.

    If you are going to do cardio then you will need something else. The problem with cardio is that it also burns muscles. When you have less muscle you automatically make your fat higher in the body (fat to muscles ratio) which leads to skinny body but saggy skin. And because of the wedding we don’t want that.

    I’ll copy-paste an answer I used before. Ignore the diet section unless you want more tips.

    Oh and go here to find you daily cal intake:

    Good luck 🙂


    OK, this is going to be a long one.

    You need 3 things:

    1. A Good diet: That means,

    1.a. Calorie intake:

    1 lbs of weight is equal to 3500 cals. If you eat 500 cals less than your body needs, that’s 3500 cals a week, 1 lbs a week. Always aim for 1-2 lbs a week. The human body naturally burns that much fat a week. If you lose more than 2 lbs then that means you’re losing muscles weight (and you don’t want that). Plus you have to give your body a chance to pull the skin back so it doesn’t sag, and more than 2 lbs a week is too fast. If you want to know how much cal food has, it’s 4 cals per 1 gram of protein, 4 cals per 1 gram of carbs, and 9 cals per 1 gram of fat. I can’t tell you how much is your goal cal intake. It’s different for each person (weight, height, gender, how much active, etc…). Look it up and find your body goal, then take 500 cals of that and you’re set 🙂

    1.b. blood sugar level:

    If you’re blood sugar is high your body stores the food you eat as fat. If it’s not, then your body burns the food and barley stores anything. It’s a nice fact that very few know. How do you keep your blood sugar low even after eating a big meal? 1) Keep it balance, keep it healthy. You have to eat the right amount of protein/carb/fat combo to keep your sugar level low. There is a lot combos out there but the one I’m using is 40-30-30. So if you’re supposed to eat 1000 cals of food, it should be 400 cals of protein, 300 cals of carbs, 300 cals of fat. 2) High fiber. Fiber slows the digestion and helps to not raise your blood sugar. 3) Eat 5-6 small meals a day. That’s like eating every 3-4 hours. You don’t give your body a chance to raise its sugar level.

    2. A Good Cardio:

    3 Times a week
    30-45 mins
    Make it intense enough so it would be bit hard to speak (don’t completely lose your breath.)

    Cardio is the best and proven way to lose fat. The human body doesn’t know how to burn fat from one part of the body only (It’s stupid I know) so cardio is your best solution.

    3. Good Weight Training:

    What I haven’t mentioned is that cardio also burns muscles (the part that actually burn the fat). To maintain it you will need good weight training program. 3 times a week is good goal. Check the source below if you want to make your own program.

    That’s it. Now you know the secret for losing fat and looking good (I call it a secret because it seems very few know about it).

    If you want to bulk up and gain muscles, it’s pretty much the same steps above but eat 500 cals more so you would gain 1-2 lbs of muscles a week. Any more and that would be fat you’re gaining. Also, there’s the ‘Resting’ part which means you have to rest your muscles for 1 to 2 days to give them a chance to grow.

    Hope this helps, if you can read all that 😛

    Cheers ^^

  4. B J said :

    Follow this Diet chart and yoga aasans

    It is good that you have sought the help of Yoga to bring your body back into shape. While your practices and measure to eliminate excess weight or what you do is important, what you shouldn’t do is just as important.

    * Don’t resort to weight reduction pills or powders of any sort and please avoid crash diets. We shall prescribe you a simple diet that is healthy, easy to follow and will deliver the desired results. See a nutritionist or dietician, if you must, but preferably one who knows and practices Yoga.

    * Never skip meals. This makes you overeat at other times. So, by all means eat three or even four times a day, but eat light and sparingly.

    Yoga Exercises

    Standing Position

    # Tadasana (Palm Tree pose)
    # Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
    # Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
    # Ardha Chakrasana (Half Moon pose)
    # Padangusthasana (Toe to hand pose)
    # Padahastasana (Forehead to knee pose)

    Sitting Position

    # Janu Sirshasana ((Forehead to single knee pose)
    # Paschimottanasana (Forehead to both knees pose)
    # Ushtrasana (Camel pose)
    # Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)
    # Simhasana (Lion pose)
    # Marichyasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi)
    # Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish pose)

    Supine Position

    # Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)
    # Matsyasana (Fish pose)
    # Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)
    # Navasana (Boat pose)
    # Chakrasana (Wheel pose)
    # Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)
    # Halasana (Plough pose)

    Prostrate Position

    # Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)
    # Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
    # Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
    # Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

    Inverted Position

    # Viparita Karani (Legs against the wall pose)
    # Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

    Balancing Position

    # Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
    # Garudasana (Eagle pose)

    Pranayamas (breathing exercises)

    # Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing)
    # Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
    # Suryabhedana (Right Nostril breathing)

    Kriyas (Cleansing techniques)

    # Jala Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with water)
    # Sutra Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with rubber catheter)
    # Vaman Dhauti (Cleansing stomach by vomit water on empty stomach)

    Yogic Diet

    This is very important, if you wish to get back into shape and develop a healthy, slim and shapely physique. Let your diet be Yogic and Sattvic (pure, light and predominantly vegetarian). This means plenty of raw foods – salads, sprouts and seasonal fruit – vegetable juices, dried fruits and loads of water.

    Avoid potatoes, peas, chick peas, grams, peanuts, all non-veg fare, fried, fatty and spicy foods, junk / fast foods, packaged foodstuffs and confectionary products. Also keep away from milk and milk products such as cheeses and butter. But you may have plenty of diluted buttermilk prepared from skimmed milk. Avoid snacking between meals and, as mentioned before, never skip a meal.

  5. Sarah said :

    I found the video below really helped me tone up the thighs region, I perform the exercises about 2 times a day.


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