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How do I write a business plan for a pet hotel?

I would like to start a business and am in need of some ideas for writing my business plan, then I will be looking for investors? I seen a business in Chesterfield, MO and it was called Petropolis. It was a “hotel” for small animals, cats and dogs mostly. I would like to open something similar to this. Also, what are some good ways of finding out if this would go over well in the area I am looking into? Can you send out a survey to the area asking specific questions? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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4 Responses to “How do I write a business plan for a pet hotel?”

  1. redsmarter said :

    Hmmm, I think you are asking people to do all the hard work for you!

    To start with the survey – yes, of course, you can send one out. But quite frankly (sorry, being brutally honest to be kind) if you can’t decide on the questions you want to ask, I can’t see you being able to run your own business.

    If you seriously want to run your own business, there are lots of sites on the web that will help you write your BP. Try for starters. THere is likely to be a small business advice service in your local area.

    Hope this helps!

  2. aleish said :

    Before you write a business plan do a market study first. After that, you can based your busines plan to your study. The market study deals on what people want or like for thier pets. you should ask them and then base your plan to thier aswers. Always remember that they will be your customers.

    Also. dont forget to study your competitors. know why people bring thier pets there.. Dont follpow what your competitor is doing.. but you have to do something in order to differentiate your service from your competitors.

  3. Gerald S said :

    Go to or you will find sample plans and instructions on how to write a business plan

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