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Is it true that taller, slimmer women are more prone to joint problems? Why?

I would have thought heavier people would suffer more… i read that taller, slimmer women, especially in their 50’s suffered from Oestoeporosis but could never find the reason why

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7 Responses to “Is it true that taller, slimmer women are more prone to joint problems? Why?”

  1. Betty D said :

    I have never heard that

  2. said :

    I don’t know – but OooooH – that would be so good (being vertically challenged and of rotund build!!)

  3. IplayadoconTV said :

    Taller, slimmer women are more prone to modeling careers, not joint problems. Heavy women get bad knees, not skinny women. Unless some jealous chunky gal takes you out at the knees. Just stay away from New Jersey and you should be fine.

  4. steven s said :

    thats complete rubbish, its been medically proven obesity is one of the leading factors for osteoarthritis which is a form of joint problems which is the most common,

  5. Bobwhitegal said :

    So many women do not exercise AT all. One woman may be a size 4 but not exercise and eat right while there may be someone a size 10 or 12 and exercise and eat right. Exercising and eating right is very important when it comes to joint problems. Aerobic exercise helps, but strength training is key in helping prevent bone and joint problems.

  6. Diamond said :

    i do not agree I would say over-weight people
    it also runs in families

  7. Jonah Kokoska said :

    This information is really good and I will say will always be helpful if we try it risk free? So if you can back it up ? That will really help us all. And this might bring some good repute to you. The diet of human beings prior to the arrival of agriculture, technology and civilization is known as the Paleolithic Diet !! This Stone Age diet, in short, consisted of mainly lean red meat and vegetables. In this type of diet animal meat is consumed in large quantities and 45 to 65% of the energy needed by the body is derived from it. Over and over again, life expectancy studies related to diet, including by the World Health Organization (WHO), have concluded that Americans and Europeans would do better to eat more like third world peoples as the options provided by their additional wealth have most often lead to poor nutritional choices. This is the same basis for the USDA based their popular food pyramid in 1994 !! Researchers at Harvard have only suggested perhaps tweaking the food pyramid by replacing some dairy products and read meat with more fruits, vegetables, and fish while also emphasizing the importance of improving the ratio of “good” to “bad” cholesterol, Plus, exercise not only makes weight loss much easier, but also lowers blood glucose levels, decreases blood pressure, improved circulation, and increases one’s metabolism. Good regular sleep patterns are also just as important. Diets based on USDA recommendations include DASH, American Diabetic Assoc, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig When children understand how important “real food” is and where the natural ingredients of our food come from, they will increase the general population’s appreciation for preserving our natural environment and limiting toxins and polluting processes in our world. We may even trend back to the time when people stepped outside their homes to interact with family and neighbors in home and community gardens and block-party barbeques? Does anybody even remember how nice those days were?


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