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What rights do I have if a car repair shop misdiagnoses a problem yet charged a lot for the “repair”?

A car repair shop replaced a ABS module for $1000 ($500 part+500 labor), but it turns out the module had noting to do with the car’s problem. Am I entitled to my money back?
I live in toasty Florida.

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5 Responses to “What rights do I have if a car repair shop misdiagnoses a problem yet charged a lot for the “repair”?”

  1. Kenny said :

    A good shop would not have charged you for it and just returned the part. Yes they would have been out the labor, but it is not your fault that the problem was misdiagnosed. That is how I run my shop. To answer your question though, I am not sure what the laws are in your area regarding that.

  2. bobweb said :

    Get all your paperwork together. Then get your car dealer to diagnose the original problem. Take all that with you to “small claims court” to contest the charges.

  3.!! said :

    yes go to BBB n there is an autoshop entity from US Govt on business ripoffs etc.

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