Just how long can an insulated food carrier keep its food warm?

Do insulated food carriers only keep the food warm for 30 min.? An hour? 2 hours? Depends on the original temperature of the food?

Catering this next Friday and I need to know! Thanks for your help!
As an example, let’s say a McDonald’s hamburger. A hamburger (in its wrapper) drops to room temperature (bad) in about 15-20 min. Could it stay warm for a good hour in the warmer?

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2 Responses to “Just how long can an insulated food carrier keep its food warm?”

  1. sol vanzi said :

    Definitely more than 30 minutes, but it also depends on the temperature of the food when you placed it in the carrier.

  2. Udai K.Saxena said :

    Normally the manufacturer specifies the time period ,but I personally find that it dose not last even an hour in most of the cases.


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