What did you think conformation/obedience dog shows were like before you saw one?

Did you think they had pink poodles with werido hair clips, or dogs jumping through hoops, or just picking the cutest puppy.
But if youve never seen one what would you think it would be like?

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6 Responses to “What did you think conformation/obedience dog shows were like before you saw one?”

  1. Rylee is. said :

    I don’t know. I was 3 when I first went to a show, so it’s never been a question.

  2. Yorkie Mom said :

    I was at a show ring when I was 6 months old in my mothers arms. Really didn’t have a good imagination at that age ;P

  3. I love terriers said :

    people all dressed up, and grooming their dogs like crazy…

  4. eshires01 said :

    No, but I’d love to see a conformation show with Pink and Purple Poodles with weirdo hair clips and Bulldogs in Tuxedos!!!!

  5. panache said :

    I thought it was the cute puppy show.
    If you want to see pastel poodles,go to a grooming show

  6. Memphis Belle said :

    I knew about conformation shows from sitting glued to the television watching Crufts every year.

    What I failed to appreciate was all the behind the scenes work that went into conditioning a dog for the ring, the petty back stabbing from some exhibitors or how expensive the hobby would prove to be!


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