What kind of food can you eat with no heating source?

Trying to think of ideas for food while traveling to save money. What kinds of food can you think of that you can travel with and eat if you don’t have a way to heat. I might have a coffee pot which can make hot water…but not 100% sure.
LOL Little Miss Sunshine. Too bad I won’t have my car with me.

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20 Responses to “What kind of food can you eat with no heating source?”

  1. ellen d said :

    You can eat raw veggies and fruit without heat, and sandwiches of course. Peanut butter and crackers, and if you have access to hot water, then you can purchase pot noodles or ramen noodles. Most meals that you purchase for camping are freeze dried and require hot water as well.

  2. Ophelia said :


    if you have a coffee pot, what you can do is buy a whooole bunch of those 10 cent Ramen noodles, put them in a bowl, pour some hot water over them and let them sit for like 5-7 minutes.

  3. kotor said :

    can food (mostly can eat without cooking but may need to heat a bit)

  4. ericaofgordon said :

    Sandwiches are good because you can keep them cold with a cooler.

  5. elin j said :

    Erm… you can have various raw vegetables… like carrot sticks with homous or whatever dip you like… sandwiches?

    erm you can have dried fruit and nuts,

    I dunno what sort you’re looking for? like proper meals or just snacks?

  6. Typo 101 said :

    anything really except raw meat if you cook meat you can still eat it cold

  7. darwical said :

    When we travelled we would bring a small electric kettle. You can make instant noodles or rice ,hot dogs and soup. Bring peanut butter, canned tuna, ham or chicken to make sandwiches or add to your noodles/rice.
    Fruits, nuts and raw veggies, muffins.

  8. Little Miss Sunshine said :

    How to Cook Food on Your Car’s Engine

    Nothing puts a damper on a road trip like having to stop the car, pop the hood, and check the engine–unless of course you’re just checking to see if your pork tenderloin is done. Engine-block cooking is a tradition going back almost as long as the automobile itself, and now that gasoline prices are at an all-time high, it’s never made more sense to ask your engine to do more than just get you from point A to point B. Start your engines and get ready to carbecue!


  9. caramia82 said :

    You can always pack fruits and veggies. One of my favorites (and it’s so easy) is mixing tuna (in olive oil) with chickpeas or white beans. Add a little pepper, salt, and rosemary and you have a super healthy and delicious meal!!

  10. Wicked said :

    Fruit cups, trail mix, dried fruits, granola bars, individual boxes of cereal, deviled ham (it’s really good spread on triscuits and ritz crackers), canned chicken breast, canned tuna.

    I hear that canned beans are good cold. Never tried it though.
    You can buy individual servings of mayonaise and mustard packets.

  11. eschewdefeat said :


  12. Teddy Bear said :


    Just VegginLately my son has been on a vegetarian diet. Not that you
    should call it vegetarian, since it is primarily a fruit and yogurt
    diet, based on his youthful impulse to eat the same foods at
    every meal for weeks on end. His choices, however, have
    caused me to ponder the benefits of a vegetarian diet for him
    and wonder if he could get all of his nutritional requirements
    fulfilled with such a diet. When I think of vegetarians, I think
    of people that eat no meat. There are actually four types of vegetarian diets. A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats dairy products and eggs, but no meat, poultry, or fish. Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs, but no other animal products. Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products, but no other animal products and vegans eat food only from plant sources.

    Research has shown that the benefits to following a vegetarian diet are many: decreased incidence of type II diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, decreased cholesterol levels, decreased cancer incidence and decreased exposure to pesticides and antibiotics, especially if the diet is organic. Additionally, some families have found that following the more restrictive vegan diet has decreased their child’s incidence of ear infections, digestive issues, and respiratory issues such as chest congestion and asthma. But are these restrictive diets appropriate for a rapidly growing infant or toddler?

    Most dietary experts agree that a balanced, whole-foods based, well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet is a great choice for people of all ages, including infants and toddlers. Though certain vitamins and minerals are only found in meat and dairy products naturally, supplementation can be used to provide those nutrients just as well as animal products.

    For children, well balanced means it has to include foods or supplementation that contain the following nutrients, which are essential:
    Nutrient Found In the following vegetarian sources:
    Calcium Sea vegetables, such as hijiki, kelp, wakame, nori, and kombu
    Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, turnip and mustard greens and Watercress
    Nuts and seeds, including sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, pistachios
    Beans, including chick peas and pinto beans
    Grains, including amaranth and quinoa
    Tofu processed with calcium sulfate and tempeh.
    Cheese, milk, yogurt and eggs
    Dried figs
    Blackstrap molasses
    Calcium fortified beverages, including soy milk, orange juice, etc.

    Please note that the following things decrease the calcium stores in your body:
    Soft drinks
    Refined sugar
    Excess salt
    Nightshade vegetables including tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, all contain the calcium inhibitor solanine.
    Fatty Acids The key members of the omega 3 family of EFAs are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are only found naturally in oily fish, while ALA, which can be converted to DHA in the body, can be found in:

    Seeds, such as mustard, flax, and pumpkin and oils from those seeds
    Soybeans/soybean oil (always choose brands labeled non-GMO)
    Walnut oil
    Green leafy vegetables
    Whole grains
    Spirulina and other vegetarian marine algae
    Canola (rapeseed) oil
    Fortified eggs and grains
    Iron Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, watercress, and swiss chard, beans (soybeans, lentils, lima, kidney, navy)seeds, eggs, dried fruits, whole grains (including wholemeal bread), iron-fortified cereals and bread, blackstrap molasses and edible seaweeds

    Using iron cookware when cooking acidic foods can also contribute to dietary intake of iron.

    As well, vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, so offering citrus fruits with iron-rich foods can also contribute to amount of iron in the body.
    Protein Legumes, tofu, tempeh, grains (wheat, oats, rice, barley, buckwheat, millet, pasta, bread), nuts (brazils, hazels, almonds, cashews) and seeds (quinoa, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame), dairy products, soy yogurt
    Vitamin B12 Dairy products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified products, such as cereals, breads, and soy and rice drinks. In supplements, look for the words “cyanocobalamin” or “cobalamin” in the ingredient list, as these are the most absorbable forms of vitamin B-12.

    Please note, breast-fed infants of vegetarian/vegan mothers need B-12 supplementation, as B-12 deficiency can result in permanent neurological damage in infants.
    Vitamin D Sunlight (exposure without sunblock) and in fortified products such as soy milk, margarine, eggs and breakfast cereals.
    Zinc Nuts and nut butters, wheat germ, brown rice, fortified breakfast cereals, dairy products, spinach, tofu, tempeh, miso, and legumes (beans, peas, and lentils).

    In addition to nutrient requirements, there is also the issue of caloric intake. While most vegetarian children eating a balanced diet do not have an issue meeting their calorie requirements, it is a concern for vegan children. Fruits and vegetables tend to be very fibrous, and can fill up your little one’s tiny stomach quickly, thus leaving little room for higher calorie foods. As such, if your child follows a vegan diet, it may be necessary to give him peeled fruits and vegetables, which are less fibrous. To increase caloric intake, you can add some refined grain products, pure fruit juices, or healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and seed butters into your child’s diet.

    It is also important to ensure that the produce you buy is organic. Not only is organically grown produce more sustainable and environmentally friendly, it is safer for your children. When you choose non-organic produce, your child may be exposed to pesticides and genetic modification without your knowledge. Non-organic produce that is genetically modified is not required to be blatantly labeled to indicate such. The only way you know that a product has been genetically modified is if it has a five-digit number that starts with an 8 on its label (conventional produce is four numbers starting with a 4 and organic is 5 numbers beginning with a 9). Pesticides from non-organic produce are visually non-detectable and can be absorbed right into the root systems of the plant, where the pesticides cannot be washed off. Because children are more susceptible to pesticides and toxins in their bodies due to their decreased fat stores, it is essential to choose organic for their health.

    Please make sure to discuss your child’s diet with your pediatrician if making a switch to vegetarianism or veganism. Your doctor can provide you with information on supplementation and things to look for in the case of malnutrition, as well as information regarding foods listed in the table above that have allergen potential or could cause choking.

    A well-balanced, well-planned, vegetarian or vegan diet can meet the needs of your children as they grow and are healthy options in this day of super-sized, fatty, sugary fast food, factory farmed, antibiotic-ridden meat and dairy products, and mercury and PCB polluted farmed fish.

    Some menu ideas for the vegetarian child:
    Pizza crust topped with tomato sauce, vegetables, and rice cheese
    Veggie stir fry with brown rice
    Quinoa salad with greens and garlic
    Pasta with marinara sauce
    Veggie meatloaf
    Banana and strawberry smoothies with organic soy yogurt
    Celery with peanut butter
    Cashew butter sandwiches
    Fresh or dried fruit
    Noodles with peanut butter sauce
    Raw vegetables with hummus
    Mashed potatoes with garlic and olive oil
    Flaxseed muffins with carrots and raisins
    Veggie burgers with salsa on whole grain bread
    Tofu hotdogs
    Guacamole on pita bread

  13. dtown said :

    I always travel with good nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, & peanut butter for sandwiches. Or, get a cooler to store lean lunch meats. No mayo because of the bacteria (unless in the small condiment packs). Add some fruit & veggie sticks that won’t go bad. Also, you have to have the sweets like good dark chocolate, or ginger snaps,oatmeal or trailmix cookies. Caramel flavored Rice Cakes. Try baked Lays chips for that not-so salty cravings. Nothing but water to drink. (not too much because of frequent stops that you’ll have to make).

  14. lemonlimesherbet said :

    Keep a small cooler for fresh fruits, vegetables , salami & cheese supplement with bread and crackers. Packaged or canned chicken , sausages & tuna even salmon with condiments. These meats come in single serve packaging or don’t forget the can opener. Olives, chips & pickles all hold well. Sweets like cookies or graham crackers.

  15. cutie said :

    pudding applesauce smothiees ice !cream

  16. stolik01 said :

    Êàæäîìó Ïðèâåò!Íàø¸ë êëàññíûé èíòåðíåò ìàãàçèí Ñòåêëÿííûå ñòîëû íà çàêàç..

  17. AnthonyMt said :

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