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Anyone have little helpful tips or advice on losing some weight?

I don’t have a lot to lose (around 15 or so). I am a fairly healthy person, however I tend to have trouble controlling portions. I eat healthily for the most part – but I consume a lot. Any good tips appreciated! Thanks!

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7 Responses to “Anyone have little helpful tips or advice on losing some weight?”

  1. Andrew b said :

    the blog called ‘easy diet options’ is full of advice and tips for loosing weight, you can find it at good luck 🙂

  2. tkahrs12122 said :

    Walking twenty minutes a day. Not strolling but setting a good pace. To cold outside try the mall.
    Worked for me. Lost 20 lbs and able to lower my blood pressure.

  3. Trinity K said :

    The best advice is drink plenty of water with your meals and lots throughout the day. Water helps to eliminate hunger, especially when eating. Eat your meal slowly, and you will find that you consume less. Try to eliminate sugared drinks altogether including juices – they are high in sugar.

  4. br@ski said :

    i advise you to drink green tea 1-3 glasses per day
    green tea speeds up your metabolism
    drink lots and lots of water 8 glasses each day.
    do not snack
    do not eat 6 meals a day, try to only eat 3
    if you are really hungry and you’ve had all your daily meals snack on fruits ( oranges, apples, bananas )
    exercise more try and run for at least 30 minutes a day
    get more active
    get more sleep it prepares your body
    stretch, yes it works and it doesn’t just help you lose weight it helps with you’re growing to make you a little taller
    count your calories try to stay under the amount of 1300 calories per day
    change you’re lifestyle it makes a difference
    do not eat candy or chips eat more greens or protein bars
    avoid fast food and cut out fried food when you cook your meal oven cook your food do not fry it
    chew gum because when you chew gum you do not pick at food for example if theres some chips in you’re cupboard you go to them a think good damn they look good then you would say no i cant pick at them because i dont wanna throw my gum away
    do not eat after 6pm because before 6pm you can burn all you’re food off and if you eat after six it will lay on you’re stomach as you eat.
    do not eat before you go to sleep
    drink a glass of water before you go to sleep
    drink plain hot kettle water because it speeds up you’re metabolism
    do not weigh you’re self everyday because it torments you,weight you’re self once a week ( every Monday )
    good luck!
    you can safley lose 2 to 3 lbs. a week
    also for abs try, lay on your back, put your hand over your head on the floor you can even hold on to something heavy to keep you down and then lift your legs up and down it burns but it works really good! <3

  5. Julie said :

    HI! You don’t even have to eat less. Just exercise regularly and make better choices! Like veggies and fruits instead of sugary treats. 🙂 GOOD LUCK

  6. Coach Paul said :

    I always recommend to my clients that they don’t focus on calories or their weight in pounds. Focus on eating healthy foods, foods that are real. Real food doesn’t come in a box, can or package.

    If you go into a grocery store and shop along the outside aisles you will see meat, fruit, veggies, and dairy products. These are all real food.

    I also tell my clients to eat smaller meals more times (5-6) per day. When a body is starved it will store fat. When it believes that times are good (when it’s being feed good nutrition often) it will release fat.

    Good luck!

  7. james l said :

    Eat more often with small portions.Don’t deny yourself anything, if you’re hungry, eat but eat with your stomach and not your eyes. Really try to recognize when you’re full. Also eat all of the things you love, just in small portions. ( instead of a whole candy bar, eat less than half) Skinny people eat all day long and that’s why they are skinny. A little extra activity would help too and stay hydrated. Don’t eat anything that says diet or low fat. There’s a dirty little secret about that. Hope a few of these tips can help you out. Take care.


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