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How quickly will I loose weight eating a diet like this? How much weight would i loose on average?

How quickly will I loose weight eating a diet like this? How much weight would i loose on average?
Breakfast. cup of tea and 2 sugars with a orange
dinner – chicken salad with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
tea – apple with a cup of tea
piece of toast for supper.

that is what i have been eating for the past 9 days but havent noticed any difference yet. how long will it be before i start to notice any weight loss.

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6 Responses to “How quickly will I loose weight eating a diet like this? How much weight would i loose on average?”

  1. ilovecats said :

    It depends on your metabolism. For many people, eating like this will cause a weight loss pretty fast, but for others eating so little can slow your metabolism to the point where your body holds onto every last calorie. The other thing you have to worry about on such a tiny diet is when you lose the weight and go off the diet, will you gain it back?

    My suggestion would be to add more foods like whole grain breads and cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and good fats like olive oil. Avoid packaged and processed food as much as possible. It also helps to eat 6 small meals instead of 3 main ones. Drink lots of water and green tea. If you do this, you’ll probably start taking off more weight and you’ll be willing to stick with it longer and keep it off forever.

  2. Weenie said :

    You are eating so little, your body is holding on to every last morsel it can. Try a sensible diet – I like using for menu plans, meal tracking, and other nutrition and fitness tips. Best of all, it’s a free site.

  3. linda m said :

    You eventually will lose some weight, along with your energy and health…You need to add to each of these meals: control the portions and the types of food…more veggies, some protein for each meal, yougart, high fiber cereal, cut down the mayo….your body will respond better because now it thinks its being starved and will slow down your metabolism…..Look up the food pyramid follow it, and exercise a bit each day…walking for 20min is great…

  4. brettT said :

    This is a diet of will power. You will not last very long. And even if you do sustain, you will be miserable. The diet/ weight loss, fitness industry is a multi- trillion dollar industry. Remember freemdom of speach dosn’t mean they have to tell the truth. If you really want to lose weight you are going to have to dig for the answers.

    With a diet like this you are only going to lose water and muscle. Losing weight takes time. Hey it took time to put it on. Muscle burns/eats fat period. Your body will feed on the muscle before it ever feeds on the fat.

    A few tips for you. Cut out all refined flours and refined sugars and you will lose weight pretty easy. Look at and You don’t want main stream you want good underground info.

    Good luck!

  5. Signit said :

    you actually aren’t going to loose weight because you aren’t giving your body enough calories and fat to go through the day. your body is going into starvation mode and it’s holding on to everything.

    be careful

  6. Classy Granny said :

    Sometimes when you eat so little your brain tells your body it isn’t getting enough calories and you will stop losing weight. If you are a woman aim for about 1200 calories a day.


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