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What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?

Me and my friend were arguing what the differences were between a PC and a Mac. He is obsessed with saying the Mac is a PC for retards : /. Please someone help me distinguish what the differences are. Also which one do you think is better?

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12 Responses to “What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?”

  1. DEMIKS ROXX said :

    there is no difference just a different operating system they do the same thing just look different….pc is best though all software is compatible whit a pc and software for mac is usually a bit more pricey

  2. Isaac said :

    macs run a different operating system and have some differences in hardware. pcs are more widely spread and can be way way worse.
    to identify them, macs have the apple logo on them and are generally very sleek looking, pcs just look regular and boring. i like pcs more but you get what you pay for with either one.

  3. emucompboy said :

    These days, not much. The big difference is that the Mac comes with an operating system that’s based on Linux and a bunch of Apple software. The PC comes with a Microsoft operating system and a bunch of software from Microsoft (and associated software makers).

    I bought the one that runs more games. That’s a PC.

  4. Vince said :

    Component wise, not much difference at all, just that Macs cost a lot more for the same spec.
    Macs are generically more user friendly, and apparently have less problems.
    The looks on a mac is a lot better I think even die-hard PC users will agree, but not many would agree on paying a hefty premium just for a more asthetically pleasing look.

  5. Habs/Als/G-Men Avro Arrow said :

    Well the Mac is the de facto standard for professional quality video and audio editing. Other than that it’s mostly useless as PC games won’t run on them. It’s true that there are no viruses to worry about, but that’s not because the mac is virus-proof, it’s because with only a 7% market share, the virusmakers couldn’t be bothered. The PC commands over 90% of the market because of its incredible flexibility and gaming abilities. For the overwhelming majority, the PC is the better buy and it’s a LOT cheaper too because there’s more than one place to go for parts and upgrades. Everything on an Apple has something called the “Apple Tax” which basically means take the price for the PC part and add 50% to get the price of the Apple part. Since nobody really makes anything for Apples except apple because it’s not worth the investment for only 7% of the market, Apple owners are stuck.

  6. Russ said :

    well the first difference anyone would recognize would be the operating system… PC uses windows and MAC uses apple. MAC is more of a graphics sound kind of computer (less processor speed…) PC is more a general computer good proc speed nice GPU… that said the hardware of the computer is up to the manufacturer of the computer itself it also depends on the type of Computer (gaming, office ETC.) personally i prefer PC (im a gamer) it all depends on what your going to do with it, for dvd and such the mac is great because as i pointed out before the OS is designed for using the max of the GPUs capabilities and even for video editing if it has enough RAM use PC for office use and gaming its your pick=) (email me with any further questions)

  7. Scott R said :

    Well most hackers feel sorry for Mac users and leave them be. I feel sorry for them too, using second hand stolen ideas. It’s a faggy remake of every bad point of linux crammed into a fashionable case that makes people ‘oooh’. That’s the gimmick, the selling point, you could say, it’s fashionable. You look cool. Wow.

    I’d rather look like a geek with a decent operating system rather than poser with a shit one.

    Plus, I hear using a Mac is the equivalent of shaving with a bowling pin.

  8. ratkins06 said :

    I use both. Macs can be a lot more stable, but PC are compatible with a lot more software than a Mac is. However, you can run XP or Vista on a Mac…

    Anyway, a Mac will probably carry more power for high performance needs. Its all about how you are going to use it.

    PC’s are better for gaming and business needs, but a Mac will kick its butt in Creative software for Photos, video, and web development.

  9. Tauri said :

    PC are windows based OS (operating System) basically a closed box of poor programing

    mac’s are based off of Linux (freeDSB you can google that) the worlds most scalable and powerful OS

    if you are use to windows then stay with unless you want to learn a whole new environment mac are more powerful but most ppl make programs for windows

    more viruses are made for windows not much you can do to fix or get around that

    if u want to look at a free version of mac style look here

    if u want to look at something that LOOKS more windows like look here also free

  10. James W said :

    Tauri get your facts straight. Macs are not based off Linux, which is something else entirely. Also FreeBSD is not a form of Linux.

    There are forms of Linux that look like OSX, such as Ubuntu, but OSX is not based off Linux.

    Both PCs and Macs have more or less the same internals after Apple started to use Intel processors. Macs simply have a different operating system ,are priced much higher for the same hardware, and have different looks on the outside.

  11. Brett said :

    The difference is that PCs are better in every category including gaming, software and hardware applications, tech support and so forth. Also PC’s are much more reasonably priced.

  12. said :

    “Mac is a PC for retards”
    Macs are proven to increase your English skills.

    First of all, most EA games have Mac ports. There are some great games for Mac. Also, OpenGL 2.1 is better than DirectX 10.

    Next is ease of use. I find things very fast to get to in Leopard, especially with the new dock. Its much much better than the taskbar in ANY version of Windows (including 7). I love the Command+Q thing in Macs, I hate how in Windows if you click the red X, the application is closed. Applying settings doesn’t need an “apply” button. The button even takes a few seconds for its action to take. My Apple Keyboard came with all kinds of hotkeys (Expose, Dashboard, Sound, Movie Buttons, Brightness, Sound, and Eject) which really saves time. When I plug in devices they usually open up in iTunes (which is much faster on Mac than Windows), iPhoto, or show on the desktop which saves a lot of time. There are 4 views in Finder which is real nice. Spaces keeps me organized when doing a lot of work. Mail is very convenient and better than Outlook. iLife is great for quick editing and it comes out with superior results. My friend ordered a book of her pets with iPhoto and it turned out GREAT. When I’m in a hurry with movies, audio, or pictures, its possible with Final Cut Studio, Logic Studio, and Photoshop, and even iLife in some cases. As a novice developer, Objective-C is the weirdest programming language, but its simple. I find Visual Basic faster to do though. My iMac’s iSight is very useful and it has really good quality, for a webcam. Same for the mic. The mic is extraordinary, actually. When looking up words I use Spotlight or Dictionary. I sometimes look for files with Spotlight, but I really got what I need on my Dock. Most software for Mac is quality and not rip-off. It was like that for Windows. Whenever I need to use another OS, I use Parallels. (I use Mac, Ubuntu, and Windows) Macs are also funner to clean. My Apple keyboard even smells good. 😀

    Mac all the way!! (Even though Windows is good for some things… like gaming)

    Windows is the copy of Mac. Bill stole Mac back in the days to make Windows.


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