Can anyone help me with an easy Christmas Pudding recipe?

I am looking for a simple Christmas Pudding recipe that I can pass on to a young person. Must be simple to follow. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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9 Responses to “Can anyone help me with an easy Christmas Pudding recipe?”

  1. mim1978h said :

    Anything with alcohol in it

  2. mannit m said :

    buy one from tesco/marks and sparks
    much easier

  3. lickintonight said :

    Just crap in a bowl and mix in some barandy. It’ll look and taste the same.

  4. wildamberhoney said :
  5. abze36 said :

    Ye put pud in micro wave.
    Easy peasy

  6. DAVID M said :

    yes do buy one its to late to mature but keep feeding it alcohol once a week rum, brandy

    good luck

  7. said :

    Ice Box Pudding (Christmas)
    1/2 lb butter, softened
    2 cups powdered sugar
    6 eggs beat yolks and whites separately
    1 cup chopped nuts
    1 package oreo cookies (take frosting out and crush cookies)
    cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks and nuts.
    fold in beaten egg whites.

    line 8×9 or 13×9 pan with crushed cookies using 1/2 of crumbs.
    add pudding mix and rest of crumbs on top.
    chill over nite.
    serve with whipped cream.

  8. Baps . said :

    butter for greasing
    225g/8oz plain flour
    pinch of salt
    1 tsp each of ground ginger, mixed spice and grated nutmeg
    50g/2oz blanched almonds, chopped
    400g/14oz soft dark brown sugar
    225g/8oz shredded suet
    225g/8oz each of sultanas, currants and raisins
    175g/6oz cut mixed peel
    175g/6oz dried white breadcrumbs
    6 eggs
    5 tbsp stout
    juice of 1 orange
    50ml/2fl oz brandy
    125ml/4fl oz milk plus extra if necessary

    1. Butter two 1.2 litre/2 pint pudding basins.
    2. Sift the flour, salt, ginger, mixed spice and nutmeg into a very large mixing bowl. Add the almonds, sugar, suet, dried fruit, mixed peel and breadcrumbs.
    3. In another bowl, combine the eggs, stout, orange juice, brandy and 125 ml/4fl oz of the milk.
    4. Stir the liquid mixture into the dry ingredients, adding more milk if necessary to achieve a soft dropping consistency.
    5. Divide the mixture between the pudding basins. Cut a round of greaseproof paper 1 ½ times the size of the rim of the pudding basin. Grease then fold a single pleat in the paper to allow room for the pudding to expand during cooking. Cover each pudding with paper and secure with string.
    6. Place each pudding into a saucepan with water half way up the side. Cover and steam for 6 hours or longer. The longer a pudding cooks the richer and darker it becomes. Top up each pan with boiling water as required and don’t let the water boil dry.

    To store:
    Remove the rounds of greaseproof paper and replace with new. Wrap each pudding in a cloth and store in a cool dry place until required.

  9. troothskr said :

    some very silly replies here! Try this:-
    get a 1lb jar of mincemeat (scale up for 1Kg jar)
    add 1beaten egg, 2cups SR flour, 4 tbsps treacle/syrup, glass of brandy/whisky/sherry. Mix well, seal tightly in a clingfilm ball, wrap this securely in foil and boil/steam 2 hours. Can be reheated in M/wave. Stick holly on top pour on rest of brandy (you haven’t drank it have you?), ignite and serve with pouring creme anglaise(custard!) Enjoy!


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