What in Green Tea increases endurance and the ability to recover quickly from sore muscles?

I was just wondering what in green tea actually increases your endurance and if that ingredient is foudn in other common foods of drinks, considering that I do not like the taste of green tea no matter what i mix it with. So what i really am lookng for in an answer is what is that substance in green tea that helps endurance and recovery and also what an equivalent to it is.

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3 Responses to “What in Green Tea increases endurance and the ability to recover quickly from sore muscles?”

  1. mark v said :


  2. jimmi said :

    its in other herbs and teas just buy a verity pack and then Google search the medicinal properties and effects

  3. Rasy2kG said :

    For bodybuilders, it offers all of these benefits and more. Green tea’s ingredient EGCG actually increases exercise capacity by allowing for greater utilization of fatty acids which server as a source of energy during intense workouts. Additionally, green tea can also lead to weight loss. Green tea consumption results in a 24-hour window of increased respiratory ability, which leads to better oxidation performance of the body.


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