Is it okay to replace herbal laxative tea with green tea during the lemon diet?

I’ve been doing the lemon diet for 8 days, planning on completing 45 days, but I’ve been drinking green tea because I can’t seem to find herbal laxative tea.

Is this okay?

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3 Responses to “Is it okay to replace herbal laxative tea with green tea during the lemon diet?”

  1. Nehemiah G said :

    Actually, you don’t have to diet per se if you want to lose weight, the only diet that definitely delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a few free trials left, it has been featured in Reader’s Digest and USA Today. I lost thrity pounds, it definitely does produce results!

  2. Dario A said :

    the best info is from here

  3. Tan said :


    No green tea would not do the same thing. You are meant to have the laxative tea to produce regular bowel movements and improve detoxification. Whilst green tea is great for weight loss it is not what they are recommending for this diet.

    Try your local health shop and get a senna tea or dieter’s tea (in the green pack). Even a supermarket should have some type of lax tea.



    P.S. How much weight have you lost so far?


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