what are some really good and healthy recipes besides salads and plain chicken?

its been over 5 months since i had my son and i can’t shake off the weight i gained during the pregnancy… i know exercise is the key to melt fat, but its hard when i work full time go to school full time and be a mom full time. so i am looking for healthy recipes.
Thanks in advance

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6 Responses to “what are some really good and healthy recipes besides salads and plain chicken?”

  1. sweetcreations2 said :

    I recently lost 30 pounds and I ate a lot of chicken. I marinade skinless boneless chicken in lots of diff flavors and eat them on a wrap with veggies. Pizza with chicken and BBQ sauce or fajita flavors and a little 2% cheese is yummy. Good luck to you!

    My fav soup….

    Southwestern Chicken Soup
    1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast
    1 T olive oil (you can try less)
    1 t cumin
    2-4 dashes red pepper
    1/2 t minced garlic
    1 green pepper, diced (1c)
    1/2 medium onion, diced (1c)
    2 ears corn, grilled or 16 oz bag frozen corn
    28 oz can diced tomatoes, with juice
    8 oz can tomato sauce
    2 cups chicken broth (homemade is best!)
    2 cans beans, drained and rinsed (I use black and Great Northern(white) but you could use kidney)
    tortilla strips/chips
    sour cream
    shredded Cheddar or Mexi-blend cheese

    Dice/Chop chicken. Over medium heat heat oil and add chicken, spices and green pepper and onions. Cook until veggies are soft. Grill corn and cut off the cob. Add them and the tomatoes, sauce, broth, and beans. Simmer for 20-25 minutes. To serve, ladle into bowl and top with tortilla strips, sour cream, and shredded cheese.

    **I like my chicken breast grilled for even more flavor. Marinade the chicken in spices and grill, then chop. Cook veggies indoors and then mix all the ingredients together.

    TO FREEZE…Cook, Cool, and bag. Thaw and reheat to serve. I have microwaved this one from frozen state for a last minute supper


    BBQ Chicken
    1/2 cup ketchup
    1 Tablespoon mustard
    2 Tablespoons honey
    2 Tablespoons cider vinegar
    2 Tablespoons canola oil (can omit or lower)
    1 Tablespoon dark brown sugar
    2 teaspoons Worchestershire sauce
    1 teaspoon dry mustard
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    2-4 dashes red pepper

    Chicken thighs and legs, breasts work ok too

    Mix marinade together and pour into resealable bag that has chicken in. Marinade for the day or even 2.

    Cook over DIRECT heat on a grill, skin side down, for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook over INDIRECT heat for 35 minutes. NEVER lifting grill lid. After the time is done check with thermometer to be sure chicken is 165 degrees.

  2. Melanie said :

    The easiest healthy dinner recipes to me is getting a fish and a fresh vegetable and putting them into a tin foil patch with seasoning and bake until done.

    Salmon and Spinach
    Flounder and Asparagus
    Orange Roughy and Asian Vegetables
    Tilapia and Zucchini

    Salt, Pepper, Pam Spray, and anything else you like!

  3. the librarian said :

    Excerise is the key I can relate-I have a retail business and a baby with
    me in the business. I started walking once a day either in the morning or evening (whichever is easier that day). I put the baby in my regular stroller and walk and explore my neighborhood. Keep a fast pace. It’s only about a 15-30 minute walk sometimes but it’s helped me shed.

    Most fish is low cal ! So bake or grill! (Orange Roughy, Red Snapper, etc)
    Baked or lightly seared tilipia-use some different seasonings and a little bit of fresh squeezed lemon

    Salmon (bake a piece but watch your portion on this fish)

    I know you said you’re tired of chicken but what I do is put a chicken breast on the George foreman grill, rub tomato paste on it and some oregano/ or pizza seasoning and a little parmesan cheese (the kind you put on spaghetti and you feel like you’ve had a fattening italian dish
    but you haven’t.

    Saute veggies with cooking spray (there’s a new olive oil)
    I sautee green beans, asparagus and even brussel sprouts now with a little sweet onion and garlic.

    Put canned albacore/ or chunk tuna on your salads and add things like sliced olives, capers or pickled beets-this will give your salad a kick.

    Baked sweet potatoes or yams instead of white potatoes or rice.
    Wash sweet potato, wrap it in alumnium foil and bake. Add a little
    butter spray or light spread.

    Avocado(s) high in fat but good fat -slice and put on sandwiches and salads in place of meat.

    Hummus is another good choice-I like the red roasted pepper.
    Spread on tortilla wraps and place fresh or sauteed veggies and eat.

    Sardines (yes they smell but they are so good for you) eat these at a meal or sanck-I like a little mustard and some lowfat crackers w/ it.

    Be sure to drink lots of water and very little diet soda. Good luck

  4. Miss Expert said :

    What about eating brown rice with steam vegetables for the time being.

    Brown rice is very filling. You don’t feel hungry easily. Moreover, if you go with steam vegetables like squashes or cabbage, you just need to put the vegetable on top of the rice and cook together. You will be surprise that it taste real sweet, even without seasoning.

    Side dish, you may choose other stir-fried vegetables with little strips of meat.

    Other than this, you may also consider to eat less sugar. When snacks are needed, just take walnuts. It helps our memories.

    Other alternative, maybe you try this?

    Muesli for Breakfast

    Ingredients for one serving
    2 tablespoons rolled oats (soak over night)
    4 tablespoons water (room temperature)
    1 tablespoon nuts (seeds or walnuts)
    1 fruit (cut small)
    1 teaspoon molasses (optional)

    Mix all together, and serve.

    Brown Rice Porridge

    50g Brown rice
    1 sweet potato
    250 ml water
    ginger strips to taste

    a. Soak rice over night.
    b. Add water and cook with sweet potato
    and ginger.

    Red Beans Porridge

    2 tablespoons adzuki beans (Chinese red beans)
    2 tablespoons glutinous rice
    150 ml water

    a. Soak rice and beans over night.
    b. Drain them and add water.
    c. Cook for about 1 hour.

    Note: 2-3 slices of American ginseng may be,
    added during the cooking.

    Cooking Brown Rice is easy.
    You wash and soak the rice for 20 minutes.

    Then you pour away the water and fill with new lukewarm water 1.5 cm over the rice surface.

    Let it stand for a few hours before you cook.

    While cooking, boil it on slow fire afer one boiled, and stir it with a wooden stick or spoon on and off, to avoid sticking to the pot. Otherwise; It is difficult to clean, after cooking. When it happens, just soak the pot in hot wate, till it is soften and wash.

    After it is cooked, you will see all holes on the rice surface, then it is ready.

    Off fire, cover the lid and keep for 10 minutes before serving.

    I hope you will reduce your weight soon.

    Happy Cooking!

  5. bri said :

    Apart from fish and chicken why not try some chick pea recipes. They are a cheap low fat low calorie high fibre form of protein. You can substitute them for meat in caseroles. chickpea curry is wonderful (just google the recipe) and you can serve them mixed with vegetables and dried apricots with cous cous flavoured with a veg stock cube and any other seasoning to your taste.
    lentils again are a low calorie low fat form of protein. You can make lentil soup. lentil (daal) curry or substitute them partly or wholly for meat in stew and casseroles. you can also make a great lentil and nut roast to substitute for a joint of meat (just google it fot the recipe – and its cheap and feeds the whole family for a fraction of the price pf a joint).
    There is nothing wrong with eating lean cuts of pork ot beef on your diet also – it doesn;t have to be just fish or chicken.

  6. Kimberly said :

    Piece of Cod broil with a little margarine and lemon. Season to taste.
    Saute some fresh spinach with olive oil and garlic. Season to taste.
    Freeze some grapes for dessert.


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