What should I get my Dad for Christmas? He likes fishing, cooking, reading, cars, the Office and 30 Rock, etc.?

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3 Responses to “What should I get my Dad for Christmas? He likes fishing, cooking, reading, cars, the Office and 30 Rock, etc.?”

  1. soccerpants007 said :

    Depending on your budget you can get him a fishing rod; either books or a gift card to Barnes and Noble/Border’s; a car detailing kit with things like glass cleaner, armor all wipes, tire shine, brush, bucket, soap, wax; seasons of the shows; gift certificate to his favorite restaurant; any items in the kitchen….

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

  2. Long Live the 1st Ammendment said :

    i think you should buy him the saesons of 30 rock hope this helps!!!

  3. super-stas911r said :


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