How can i make green tea in green color?

i have tried many green teas but all of them are golden in colour for example lipton jasmine green tea.
i mean that when green tea is ready to drink it’s colosr is not green but golden, i want to now that how to make a green tea in green colour and please also mention the name of the manufacturar of the tea.for example lipton jasmine green tea,dilmah and etc.Thanks!!

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12 Responses to “How can i make green tea in green color?”

  1. MysticCat said :

    You could try a food colouring

  2. absolutedejavu said :

    Put a drop of green food coloring in whatever brand you like best.

  3. Ammi M said :

    add food coloring

  4. shawns bonnie said :

    only if you add food coloring

  5. kiarashbikar said :

    to make a tea you must put the green lipton tea at least 10 minutes to boil and then it will be green

  6. imthabomb98 said :

    green food coloring

  7. B.B. said :

    Green tea should be green when it is brewed.What happens is the leaves oxidize when air gets to them.You can find good green teas in a Chinese shop.I agree most green teas steep yellow or golden but if you invest in a good quality green tea(it should be in a package that is airtight and does not permit light in),you will be pleasantly surprised by the true color.An added bonus it will pack a nice punch,almost equivalent to a cup of coffee,with all the benefits that green tea has to offer.Good luck.

  8. Jes said :

    Green tea refers not to the color of the brewed tea, but the color of the tea leaf. Tea leaves are either white (when they are picked before the mature), green (picked young and not dried), or black (“regular” mature dried tea leaves).

    There is no way to brew tea that will turn the liquid green, unless you add something like food coloring. I do think I had a specialty green tea with my sushi once that had some seaweed in it (it was okay, but kinda odd) that was pretty green.

  9. cokewww said :

    Food coloring but green tea does not mean it’s green, it’s a classification of tea that produces a greener tint in the liquid as compared to other teas such as black, red or white.

    Here’s a blog on the color of tea – excerpts:

    Chinese tea is classified based on the level of oxidation or fermentation process of the 茶葉 [cha ye] or tea leaves after they are picked. The tea leaves with minimal oxidation is generally known as 綠茶 [lu cha] or literally “green tea” and the color of the tea is of a bright green tint. The oxidation level is stopped by dry cooking the freshly picked leaves in hot pans. 龍井茶 [long jing cha] is a well known example of Chinese green tea grown in Zhejian.

    烏龍茶 [wu long cha] or oolong tea is classifieid as 青茶 [qing cha] or blue* tea. The level of oxidation ranges from 15% to 75% between that of the green tea and red tea. The lower oxidation level of tea leaves yield a more golden color whereas the higher oxidation level of tea leaves produce a redder color like the red tea. Oolong is primarily grown in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. 鐵觀音 [tie guan yin] is an example of blue tea grown in Taiwan.

    Distinguished by the white hair-like fur on the leaves, 白茶 [bai cha] or white tea is primarily grown in Fujian. The leaves are generally air-dried in the sun as opposed to being oven-roasted for the oolong. White tea yields a pale green color of tea. 白牡丹 [bai mu dan] is an example of white tea grown in Fujian.

    黃茶 [huang cha] or yellow tea whose tea leaves have a relatively low level of oxidation and are generally more yellow which consequently produce a yellow-colored tea. 君山銀針 [jun shan yin zhen] is an example of yellow tea grown in Hunan.

    黑茶 [hei cha] or black tea whose tea leaves are fully oxidized and dark brown like those of red tea. Some of the popular black tea are compressed into tea bricks or discs as opposed to loose tea leaves. A well known example of black tea is 普洱茶 [pu er cha] also known as pu-erh tea is grown in Yunnan.

    Outside the rainbow colors of Chinese tea classification, there are still many types of tea, including 花茶 [hua cha] or flower tea, commonly known as 香片 [xiang pian] or scented tea, which blends flower petals with tea leaves. A popular example of scented tea is 茉莉花茶 [mo li hua cha] or jasmine tea, is a blend of oolong and jasmine.

  10. annde13 said :

    First of all, as some of the people who have answered stated, the “green” in green tea does not refer to the color of the tea when it’s brewed but to the process the tea endures after harvest.

    Second, the temperature of the water you use to brew your teas is very important. Because they are processed less than black tea leaves, green tea leaves are more delicate and are more prone to scorching than black tea leaves. If the water is too hot, the tea may end up bitter tasting and the brew will be discolored.

    Most properly brewed green teas are light amber in color, sometimes they are a light hazel green/tan hue, depending upon the particular type of tea you are brewing. I suppose you could add food coloring to make the tea more “green” in appearance, but why would you want to do that?

  11. mj112005 said :

    add food coloring

  12. Zuleika said :

    I don’t know if you’ll ever find this brand. OSK teabags gives you a green colored tea. Don’t expect it to be clear though. It leaves sediments and looks slightly cloudy.

    I find that the Ocha sub-group of green tea actually gives s green colored tea compared to say Sencha. Of course if you have the money, invest in Matcha. That guarantees you green colored tea.


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