I’ve been playing violin for 6 years. How long do you think it will take me to learn guitar?

I’ve been learning violin for 6 years. Will it be easy to learn how to play the guitar? I’m not very good with chords, so would it be harder to learn? How long do you think it would take me to learn guitar?

For someone who has played both instruments, which was harder?

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3 Responses to “I’ve been playing violin for 6 years. How long do you think it will take me to learn guitar?”

  1. Jel said :

    Guitar is way different. You may want to try bass instead. It’s pretty similar to both guitar and violin.

  2. Brandon F said :

    Well playing violin will certainly help you with the finger dexterity and vibrato and such. I DONT reccommend going to bass… its very different actually. Guitar might be easier for you since the “feel” of the instruments are somewhat similar. It might give you some advantage, but dont expect to be a master at it right away.

  3. cullen*girl21 said :

    well, I have been playing for 8 years, and I started bass also 2 years ago. I will say that learning to play bass is much easier than normal guitar. Play around and see which you like best. 😀


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