What are some good tasting but healthy fruit smoothie recipes?

I’m starting college next week and I am commuting, but I have time in between classes and I don’t want to buy fast food and gain the “freshmen 15” so I want to try and pack a smoothie instead [: Please give me some delicious but healthy recipes (:


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10 Responses to “What are some good tasting but healthy fruit smoothie recipes?”

  1. Me Want Cookie! said :
  2. Andrew said :

    Ok first of all you need a blender and here are the ingredients:
    Low fat vanilla ice-cream
    And blen it alll together for 2 minutes.

  3. LuckyScheu said :

    Low Fat (and look at sugar) Yogurt
    Fresh Fruit (berries like blueberries (high antioxidant) and strawberries (vitamin C) and any other fruit)
    Lots of Ice
    Protein Powder or Whey Protein is good if you are an athelete.

    Look at this guide for eating healthy, I found found lots of great breakfast recipes.


  4. Lita said :

    Smoothies are so popular these days, they are so healthy also. There are so many ways to make a smoothie, so many recipes too; you don’t even know where to begin to choose a favorite recipe, you want to try them all, to see which one is the best. All of this makes us so confuse. The best way to make a smoothie is to make one of your very own, which is called (Custom Made Smoothie).

    First thing you need to do is to take out your smoothie blender, you can use the Magic Bullet, Smoothie Maker, or even a regular Blender. Use anything you have around your house to make your very own custom made smoothie.

    Next, open up your refrigerator to check what you’ve got inside, if you have any whole milk, 2% milk, low fat milk, or even soy milk. If you preferred using juice, water or ice cubes instead of milk, it’s your choice. I like mine with soy milk. You can choose anything you want for your very own custom make smoothie, just make sure you only use a little bit of the liquid, otherwise if you use too much liquid, it will be a shake instead of a smoothie.

    Look for any fruit you have in your house, use up the fruit before it starts to get moldy and bad, so you won’t need to through it away. After all; you spend precious time carefully picking out the fruit you buy at the supermarket for your family to eat and enjoy. Use up the fresh fruit you purchase for your family quickly, and enjoy it any way you want.

    You may want to use any kind of healthy protein powder to thicken the smoothie a little more, and to give it a little extra flavor and dietary vitamin supplements. This way your custom made smoothie, will also be as a meal replacement, for some of us that are trying to lose some weight.

    After you have decided what to put in your smoothie, fill the kitchen device you will be using; to make your very own smoothie, and start the device. Let it mix for about 1 minute or less, stop it, and serve into your favorite cup and enjoy.

    Tips: You may even want to add yogurt to your smoothie also to make it more thicker.

  5. Tai said :

    The classic strawberry banana is good!

    You need:
    A good blender, or I prefer the Magic Bullet if you have it 🙂
    4-6 ice cubes
    5-8 fresh or frozen but thawed strawberries depending on how big they are
    Half a banana cut into small coins
    a splash of low fat milk, low fat cream, or a splash of your favorite juice: Orange juice works best because it adds a nice tang to the smoothie 🙂

    Whirl it all away and pour in a cup. enjoy! U can vary how think u want it to be by adding more ice, fruit, etc
    or u can vary on how watery it can be by adding more milk and or juice.

  6. PearlSea said :

    banana, frozen yogurt, buttermilk with some honey.
    add pine nuts or other nuts crushed as toppings.

  7. GodFather said :

    Hi katelynn,
    I get my protein from the link below, they have a forum page with some good smoothie recipes, my favorite is the oreo smoothie!
    Their choc flavor is the best.

  8. TennisLover3 said :

    Check out this blog! It has lots of smoothie recipes =]


    Hope this helps!

  9. Svetlana said :

    My husband and I have just sttraed doing green juices. They are amazing and I thank Aranka for guiding me down the right path. Your recipes are great keep them coming.

  10. Civil said :

    looks Tasty Doug!!!! great video! Nice blender too! maybe you can do conanmin sticks/pieces(raw) in water, i did that once in a vitamix for a few minutes when i was in beijing at the organic store, it turned it all into liquid water conanmin and tasted incredible i was shocked! peace.


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