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How much tar is in my lungs after a year and a half of heaving smoking?

I’m considering stopping smoking weed after heavy smoking (all day every day) for about a year and a half. Is there any tar buildup in my lungs? And is there any permanent damage to my lungs?

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2 Responses to “How much tar is in my lungs after a year and a half of heaving smoking?”

  1. J M said :

    its possible that there is some damage that may not be detected later in life. Unlike the kidneys which heal themselves in a way if you just automatically stop drinking. I think its a good decision to stop smoking. May God see you through this journey as you put away the smoking addiction.

  2. said :

    There probably is some permanent damage, but if you really do stop now then probably not enough to make that much of a difference in your life.


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