If you play piano, it will be easy to learn guitar?

It’s easy to learn guitar if you already play piano? Someone just told me that, but I don’t think so. So, if you play piano and want to start to play guitar, it will be a lot more easy to learn?

I play guitar for some weeks, and it’s seems… normal. I don’t play piano, but I can still get the guitar things, and I don’t see them hard.

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11 Responses to “If you play piano, it will be easy to learn guitar?”

  1. Kristen1989 said :

    Heh.. I played piano for a few years when I was younger and then picked guitar up in year 10. To be honest, I’m not sure that the experience on piano really made it any easier. I mean, I picked guitar up pretty quickly and I’m not a pro or anything.. but maybe having that certain level of musical knowledge is a bonus.

  2. Giggles said :

    in early piano lessons, you learn to read music and work chords from just the key—there is the advantage.

    you can take music theory to get a better understanding of chords and how they work and how to read music, piano is not needed but used to make it simpler.

    (me, a piano player—I can fiddle with the guitar–never had lessons for it)

  3. Barbara said :

    I played piano for ten years when I picked up my first guitar. I taught myself how to play using the theory knowledge I acquired during those ten (long, boring, miserable but paid off) years. It comes down to this: If you understand music notation (theory), you can learn any instrument on the face of the planet. Being able to play well: Practice. Sad, but true. Hours of it. And when you are not practicing, do theory! Music is just another language. If you learned English, you can learn music. Lessons help for stylization, but it’s the practice we need. Hope this helps.

  4. loveface said :

    Many people claim this for some reason which I will never understand. They seen to think that a completely different instrument that requires a completely different technique are the same. However playing a keyed intrument will help you play another keyed intrument just like playing a stringed instrument will help you play a stringed intrument. As for music theroy since it’s no different for anything it shouldn’t matter what intrument you learn it on unless you’re stupid.

  5. Steven L said :

    I know a guy who’s been studying classical piano for ten years. It’s helped him develop an ear for music, as well as a bunch of theory. It’s also helped him with finger dexterity: he’s used to having his hands fly all over the place, which helps him play lead guitar better.

    However, as far as chording goes, the two are very different. Yes, the basic theory is the same, but the lay-out is completely different. With the piano, the notes are all side-by-side — the shape of your hand doesn’t really change. Stretch, yes; change, no. But a guitar’s chords are all over the place, and don’t usually have the same shape (unless you’re talking barre chords).

    So sometimes it’s helpful, but not necessary. I started on bass, then picked up guitar, and have fiddled with a piano.

  6. kimberly said :

    Yes. If you have already learned note names and rhythm on the piano, that is one less thing you have to learn on quitar. If you learned classical piano, that does not translate as easily as contemporary music translates to learning guitar. In contemporary music the theory is base on simple chord progression, In classical and baroque musci the theory is a little different. (polyphonic vs. monophonic) I find, as a piano teacher, students who play both guitar and piano learn the fundamentals of theory better making them able to imporovise on both instruments very easily.

  7. SKCave said :

    Not really. It will help a bit with musical knowledge, but the two techniques are totally different. Working the other way, I’ve played guitar for over 45 years, and have picked up numerous stringed instruments along the way, but I have never mastered correct piano technique.
    Hope this helps

  8. josered1963 said :

    well i guess it would be easier since you would already know how to read sheet music and have some pretty good hand eye coordination going

  9. Vassilis said :

    I have a friend who used to play the piano. She loved it, but some years after she started piano, she decided to learn the guitar as well. She literally fell in love with the guitar! Having experience on another instrument makes learning another one easier, if you have a teacher. If you go by yourself, it makes it harder to learn, because you try comparing the notes on the keyboard to those on the guitar and that makes you get confused. I play the guitar, and I also know some basic things about pianos. So I can play the songs I know on guitar on the piano. It is really confusing though! I have to convert each note from guitar to piano and I get a headache every time I try it!

  10. Rev. Rick said :

    As a music teacher, I had to learn to play all of the band and orchestra instruments along with piano. I can tell you from experience that after your first instrument, the rest are easier because the mechanics of reading music are the same no matter what instrument you play. It can even help with playing technique because you already have an understanding of the importance of posture, breathing, etc.

  11. ^_^ said :

    It wont help you actually play guitar but once it comes to writing songs, tabing songs, etc… piano knowledge will help with that….


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