What are you cooking (or eating) for Christmas Day?

We had tamales at one Christmas party, turkey & dressing at another, and we are having lasagne on Christmas eve. I need ideas for Christmas day since I’ll be the one cooking. : )
We are looking at 69 degrees and sunny that day. I was considering steaks and brats on the grill but am not sure yet.
Mmmm, honey baked ham, green been casserole, mashed potatoes are sounding really good right about now!!!

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39 Responses to “What are you cooking (or eating) for Christmas Day?”

  1. notworried76 said :

    pizza or chinese food

  2. Twampshell Gunnels said :


  3. dance_freek <3 said :

    Ham or Chicken is good too…lol that’s pretty creative…(Tamales) haha..

  4. Dubya's legacy said :

    Roast Grinch.

  5. Simple S said :

    Chinese Food

  6. <3 said :

    we are having two diffrent type of rice.
    White rice and this black rice mix with beans
    pork,and a whole chicken
    plantains and potatos

  7. 宝拉 said :

    Well, I will go to a Christmas Brunch on the 25th. But on the 24th, probably pizza.

  8. I ♥ Penguins said :

    Turkey and Ham, mashed potatos and sweet potatos, corn, green beans, rolls, and probably about a million sweets! YUM!

  9. myname said :

    i’m having lasagna for christmas day
    but christmas eve we do spaghetti aliol, falemangon (i cant spell these things sorry lol), stuffed mushrooms, mashed potatoes, string beans with almonds and tomato. thats all i can i think of for now.

  10. cheseefry said :

    Turkey or ham sorta like a Thanksgiving dinner on Christmas also with Fettuccine Alfredo the best thing i have ever tasted! and made

  11. nini_2323 said :

    I would make turkey burgers with cranberry mustard dressing

  12. Angel Aries said :

    Lamb w/ Sweet potatoes & green beans, bread & wine.

  13. Toni said :

    Sour cream chicken enchiladas, rice, beans, and maybe pumpkin pie

  14. Hannah C said :

    COOKIES:) for dinner just have a crockpot meal or steaks:)

  15. Brody's Mommy said :

    It’s always the same…
    Turkey/Ham, mashed potaotes, green beans, sweet potatoe pie, rolls, corn, stuffing? maybe? lol

  16. nycxxcitylife said :

    for lunch ceaser salad and a chopped salad and homemade clamchowder

    for dinner, ham turkey and some kind of pork roast..we have a big family=]

    mashed potatoes green beans, some oyster dish, salad, rolls, lots of side dishes

  17. Meredith L said :

    my guess is pizza

  18. Lima said :

    We’re having “couscous”

  19. selfoverothers said :

    how about u make a nice big bowl of rice and currey
    happy eat.

  20. R C said :

    stuffing, mashed potatoes, ham with pinapple and cherries, potatoe salad, salad, lots of sweets, and some little appetizers like lil smokeys, meatballs, ect. my papa lived in Hawaii for like 20 years so me and him like the hole hawaii fruit etc idea but my mum like the turkey so she makes turkey.

  21. vivash123@rocketmail.com said :

    we have big family so we have got Pheasant, duck turkey and gammon. and we cook all the veg and potatoes and other side bits, put it on the table and let everyone choose what they want so basically it is just like a buffet

  22. Colleen K said :

    Anything….. possibly chicken & pie??

  23. KariMackenzie said :

    We always do honey baked ham!

  24. blank said :

    baked mac and cheese
    And much more.

    We just put it out and let people choose.

    Eta:Wait 69 deegres.Well be luckey.if its 0 deegres here.Looks like we are taking a vacation.
    Just kidding.

  25. mosquito said :

    Roast beef, it’s simple to cook, easy to prepare, easy to serve, and looks and tastes great. Serve it with a nice gravy. Cook your beef to medium rare in the middle, then there will be beef cooked to everyone’s liking. Check online for recipes, I could recommend preparing it with olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic and rosemary. Serve it with roast potatoes, which are simple to make as well. hope this is of help

  26. rashad said :

    pot roast bake mac candy yams and green beans….and GUMBO

  27. jessie said :

    I am having ham, baked spaghetti, rice dressing and peas.

  28. keezymama said :

    For one time I’m doing both Chili with Corn Bread and a Baked Chicken Salad.

  29. Johnny says Happy Holidays! said :

    Ok, here we go… 🙂

    Christmas Eve we are going to my stepdad’s family’s house. We are taking an italian pasta salad and my stepdad is making mini grilled chicken sandwiches and mini steak sandwiches. He’s going to get the chicken breasts and steaks and pound them out thin and then grill them and put them on mini hamburger buns. He’s bringing a raspberry vinagrette dressing for the chicken sandwiches and I’m not sure what he’s bringing for the steak sandwiches.

    Christmas Day for lunch I’m going to my dad’s house. We are having a Honeybaked Ham, Green Beans, and I’m not sure what else, actually.

    Christmas Dinner at my house – We are having a ham, macaroni salad, potato salad and a whole bunch of different deserts.

    I’m going to gain 50 lbs. I just know it.

  30. ORB said :

    a box of banquet frozen fried chicken

  31. screaminchameleon said :

    At my mother’s (and before her, my grandmother’s) we have the same thing every year, and it is my favorite meal (better than Thanksgiving):

    roast beef (roast “beast” I like to call it)
    twice baked potatoes (stuffed potatoes)

    We have other side items too, but those two are my favorite.

  32. ~Lauren~ Merry Christmas! said :

    Tamales sound sooooooo good! I really want some! Unfortunatly we aren’t having a dinner. (Ours is Friday) But on Christmas Day Me and the kids are going to make a bunch of fudge and cookies! I’m excited we are going to make all different kinds and we went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of those Christmas tins and that is what my daughter is giving everyone for Christmas. (Tins filled with cookies and fudge)

    As far as the dinner on Friday goes, it will probably be Mexican food (Dorito Casserole, Enchildas, stuff like that)

  33. Shadow C said :

    I’m a pescetarian so the only animal based food I eat is fish. I
    We usually have smoked salmon or sea bream but on occasion I’ll make a nut roast. Fish is a good one though because there’s so many different types yew can have anything and it’ll go with loads of different things.

  34. Kris H said :

    Christmas Eve we are having spinach and artichoke dip, brownies, stuffed eggs, jambalaya, spinach bread, dinner rolls and whatever else people bring. Christmas day I’m cooking spaghetti, garlic bread and brownies.

  35. Happy Holidays from Jacobs Mommy said :

    I am making a Chocolate Mint Cream Pie for dessert and Cheesecake bites decorated as presents!

    I think we are having Ham for dinner…

    damn.. 69 degrees…lucky!

    For x mas eve dinner with mom, step dad, brother and hubby I am making Greek Chicken (chicken breast sutffed with feta cheese, spinich and tomatos. ) along with steamed green beans and chicken rice. We will have the tradional Jubilee Roll from Friendlys for dessert.

  36. Elyse's Mommy ♥ said :

    69 degrees and sunny! I am so jealous right now – it is negative 10 out right now and is supposed to snow the next two days! yuck…

    Yesterday was our first Christmas dinner, my mom made lasagna, green beans, salad and bread with sausage and meat balls. Christmas Eve is at my Grandma’s, she usually makes a pork roast, beans, rolls, etc. I’m going to bring a salad since I don’t eat pork!

    Christmas is at my house and I am going to make an appetizer, not sure what yet and then pick up the rest of the food at a local Italian place. I’m thinking chicken parmesan, ravioli and spaghetti?? My mom will bring the dessert!

    Last Christmas my mom made shrimp scampi and her boyfriend made jambalaya. Strange mix but it was all good!

  37. Crissy M said :

    prime rib roast with horseradish dip or honey mustard dip garlic mashed potatoes corn rolls

  38. Aaron's Mommy said :

    Hubby and I are hosting a Christmas Eve Dinner for my family(we are really excited since we usually go to my brother’s) and we are making:

    Prime Rib(making it for the first time, wish us luck:p)
    Roasted Chicken
    Mashed Sweet Potatoes
    Roasted Asparagus
    Green Salad
    Parmesan Fettuccine

  39. GirlyGirl_Mae said :

    chinesse food
    and on x-mas eve were having a boiled dinner [ham cabbage veggies potatos sweet potatos and then a bunch of sweets after]


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