should i first learn to play the regular guitar or Electric guitar?

i want to learn to play guitar but i don’t know if i should first learn regular guitar or Electric or do u think i should just stick to playing one kind of guitar

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3 Responses to “should i first learn to play the regular guitar or Electric guitar?”

  1. ChiefTwitchy said :

    start with acoustic. it will help you build up the basics before you go on to more complicated electrics

  2. Alice Cullen said :

    Regular Guitar (Accoustic) would be the best to learn first.

  3. Matt H said :

    To be honest it doesn’t really matter what you learn on because, aside from the amplification and the different types of songs people play on them, they’re identical.

    BUT my advice would be to get a cheap Spanish guitar as they have nylon strings so they’ll be a bit easier on beginner’s fingers.


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