tell the best way to give up smoking?

i have tryed everything from patches to hypnosise to books! i am desperate at this stage. they are making me breathless and giving me indigestion but whenever something goes wrong i scumb to the nicotine again. i am normally a very strong person but this is getting to me.

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9 Responses to “tell the best way to give up smoking?”

  1. Henry_Tee said :

    chinese acupuncture, it works like a charm

  2. Amanda P said :

    I would throw them away in the garbage! lol

  3. twigg808 said :

    Talk to your doctor. He can prescribe some anti-anxiety drugs like xyban or welbutrin to help with nervousness associated with quitting. These drugs and a form of nicotine replacement (gum, patch, etc.) have been one of the only methods shown to have a significant success rate.

  4. perry_rhodan_2001 said :

    Why quit completely?

    I reduced it to smoking less than 10 cigs a day, which reduces the health risks close to zero.
    I got used to smoking 10 or less for about 10 years now, I dont need to carry around lighter and packs with me, I still can have that marvellous cig after coffee or for desert and I feel great.

  5. BadWX said :

    You’re gonna hate reading this as much as I hate typing it, but:

    Talk to your docotor.

    Here’s the reason: the medical ramifications of quitting any substance based habit should be evaluated. For example, an asthmatic who is also a smoker (there are many) may experience their asthma worsening in the early days of quitting because of how closely asthma and stress are related. Granted, an asthmatic’s health will get much, much better the longer s/he doesn’t smoke…so this is no excuse not to quit. Nonetheless, you doctor can guide you and adjust meds as necessary to give your quit the best chance of sticking.

    Support groups, drugs, nicotine replacement therapy, carrot sticks, etc. are all important too…but you have to choose which is right for you. Again, discuss it with your doctor.

    Good luck…and don’t forget: every time you fail at a quit…that’s one more attempt under your belt and it brings you that much closer to a succesful quit.

  6. wet405 said :

    me too today im going for that laser therapy ill be sure to let everyone no in a couple of weeks if its good and works.

  7. ghreewala said :

    There is same question here some 1 else asked read the answers.
    follow this link;_ylt=AjMVmqkpl9ARh60I50IllQfsy6IX?qid=20060925062947AA0Wvfh

  8. ninemmeter said :

    It’s all in your head.Your best bet is to just tell yourself you do not want or need them.I smoked for 30 years and I just put them down over two years ago and have not even thought about them since.When you truly realize they are bad for you and you are ready to quit then you can do it.My mom and dad and a few friends have used this method and it worked quite well for all of us.I have faith in you,you can do it.Mind over matter.Good luck!

  9. Jill said :

    You really have to devote yourself to it…

    This is how I quit, but it may not work for you, but give it a go:

    I set a date about a month from when I decided. From that day on every time I had a cig (and I mean every time) over and over in my head I said things like: this is so disgusting, why do I do this to myself, it taste so gross, I can’t breathe, I hate smoking…

    Then every night before I went to bed I said to myself…in ____ days I will never smoke again…filling in the blank with how many days were left until my quit date.

    As it got closer to the date I told everyone I smoked with that I was quitting and not to ask me to smoke with them, and that I wasn’t trying to be mean or rude, but that I wouldn’t be able to see them or hang out with them for a while.

    The day before I quit, I made sure that I had enough cigarettes that I would run out the next night. On the last day every time I smoked I repeated all the negative sayings and added …and I will never smoke again…

    I’m not going to lie and say I had no cravings or that it wasn’t hard. I still have cravings every now and then, but the health benefits of quitting are worth it…this was the easiest I have ever quit and it’s been almost 2 years…

    I know other people have had success in other ways, you could also try Welbutrin or some hospitals have support groups (in the style of AA).

    It sounds like it’s really starting to take a toll on your body, so don’t give up, you can do it!


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